Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,70


Before, when I’d first seen her in that entrance hall with Zaquiel, I hadn’t gotten a good look at her. The Fallen took up most of my attention, and then...Azazel appeared, commanding my focus in more ways than one.

I studied her now as she bowed her head and signaled for me to follow her. Her long black hair fell down her back in a tight braid, swinging right next to a huge sword she carried in a harness whose straps criss-crossed over her chest. More knives and daggers were fastened to her arms and thighs, and even something that looked like a mini crossbow.

Her clothing fit the warrior vibe—leather pants and reinforced tunic, arm guards and extra protection on her shins as well. Even Azazel in what I had come to think of as his fighting gear hadn’t been this obviously decked out in weapons. To be honest, I hadn’t seen him carry a sword or anything so far.

Neither had Zaquiel been armed. Or Azmodea or Mammon.

Maybe it had something to do with rank? That...or level of power. I pursed my lips. Of course. The stronger a demon’s magic or whatever it was they wielded—they obviously had some form of supernatural force at their disposal—the less they must have need of actual weapons.

Over the course of our trek down into the lower levels of Azazel’s house—I noticed how many stairs we descended—I tried in vain to strike up a conversation with Hekesha. Every one of my questions got a short reply that didn’t reveal much about her, and I gave up after what felt like twenty minutes. It took us more than double that time to reach my rooms.

A spark of irritation lit inside me. Now that I’d gotten a better impression of the layout of Azazel’s mansion, one thing was abundantly clear. My suite was at what amounted to the very bottom of this structure, likely just one floor above the dungeon, if he indeed had one. Which I didn’t doubt anymore after seeing those wings pinned to the wall.

My rooms, I guessed, were about as far away from Azazel’s as was possible while still under the same roof.

His recent change in behavior notwithstanding, he really had meant to park me out of sight and out of mind here, in the bowels of his mansion. Like a secret hidden away in the basement.

Yeah, I was still sore about that.

So sore, in fact, that it soured any incipient joy about his announcement to come see me later.

Crumbs, a voice whispered in my head, suspiciously sounding like my mom. You’re cheering for crumbs he’s throwing you, as if you don’t deserve more.

Hekesha bowed her head as she waved me into my rooms. “Please call if you require anything.”

She turned on her heel, walking off with her braid swinging behind her, leaving me with my own grumbling thoughts.

Chapter 12

I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until the gremlins brought me lunch—or was that dinner? I’d lost track of time—and after freshening up a little to get the hellhound slobber off my face, I spent the next hours doing yoga and generally just chilling on whatever available soft surface in my rooms.

This day had been a lot. I’d gone crazy with boredom before, but after the events of the past twenty-something hours, I was grateful for the quiet and relaxation of my suite.

I’d just cracked open a book, vegging out on one of the couches, when a knock sounded from the door. Frowning, I snapped the book shut and eyed the door.

That was new. No one had ever really bothered to knock before, they just threw the door open and strode in, be it Azazel, the gremlins, or Azmodea.

The knock came again, and I realized I’d probably have to separate my bum from the couch to let in whoever had manners enough to wait for my acknowledgment of their presence.

With a sigh, I heaved myself up and trotted over to the door, pulled it open and blinked at the foreign demon on the other side.

“I’m here to take you to your rooms,” the unknown male said, his brown hair shifting as he bowed his head.

It took me a moment to fully grasp his words. “But...these are my rooms.”

“Not anymore,” the demon replied.

The sound of tiny feet padding on the stone floor, and then a veritable horde of gremlins flowed past him, past me—I had to jump to the side to not be overrun—and into the room. They swarmed around and proceeded to grab

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