Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,44

that not every perceived slight is an act of cruelty. And that traipsing around in Hell as a vulnerable human without powers makes you easy prey.

I sucked in a breath, my smug smile slipping. Damn if his words didn’t ring true. I hadn’t considered that, and it smarted. Then again—

And seeing as I am a lowly human without mind reading powers, I mentally spit at him, you could have just explained your reasoning to me to help my naive little head understand the situation. Being upfront with why you’re keeping me under lock and key would have gone a long way toward my acceptance of it.

I am not in the habit of having to explain obvious circumstances to shortsighted fools. He cast me a cold glance before focusing on his visitor again. It’s settled then. You’ll remain in your rooms unless I take you to Earth.

The fuck I will. I wrenched his attention back to me with my snarled riposte. If going out alone is too dangerous, you will provide me with protection. I don’t care whether that’s a hellhound or a demon bodyguard, but I will have someone or something at my disposal to help me move freely and safely through your house.

That, he said in my head, his voice a whispered menace, will be your final demand. I agree to your terms, and this negotiation is hereby completed.

Deal. I gave him the mockery of a smile.

Try it with less teeth, my love. A smoldering look from his hooded eyes. We don’t want our guest to think your supplication anything less than genuine, now do we?

Of course not, I clipped back, and modulated my smile into something less aggressive.

Oh, and one more thing. Azazel’s mental voice was a purr that stroked me in places threatening to purr back. On your knees.

Excuse you?

We have a deal. You’re my pet. Pets belong at their owner’s feet.

My nostrils flared.

Chop, chop.

I would murder him. Somehow. But because he was right, and I’d agreed to this bargain, I swallowed the insult to my pride and sank down to my knees, wincing at the pain in my legs.

His hand settled on my head the next instant, and warmth flowed from his touch. I gasped softly as I realized it wasn’t just the usual heat of his body, but his power running in rivulets over my skin, into my cells, fusing what was torn. A glance at the gash in my arm confirmed that my wounds were healing right before my eyes.

The throbbing of pain in my legs eased, vanished, and I couldn’t help sighing.

I wouldn’t thank him. Would. Not.

And yet, some of the involuntary gratitude I felt must have leaked out of my thoughts because his dark voice murmured in my head.

You’re welcome.

His fingers stroked over my scalp, and to my dismay I almost melted on the spot. I never had been able to resist the allure of a good head massage.

It wouldn’t do to leave my pet bleeding.

Aaaaaand there he went again, making me want to stab him.

Are those your favorite pants? I asked along our mental line.

I sensed his confusion and smiled sweetly just before I rubbed my still blood-streaked cheek against his leg. Human blood might not have shown on the dark red fabric, but the black goo of the things that had attacked me stained the pants just so.

He ran his nails over my scalp in a move not quite painful, but definitely not a caress either. You’re going to pay for that.

Out loud, he said, “I’m afraid Zoe here is in dire need of a bath and a change of clothes, so if you’ll excuse her, she’ll be heading to her quarters to wash up.”

It was amazing how he could sound both courteous toward his visitor and mildly threatening to me, with something as innocuous as an instruction to retreat to my suite.

He made a sweeping gesture with his arm, indicating the other side of the hall. “Hekesha will escort you to the room, Lord Zaquiel. I’ll be joining you shortly.”

The other demon—Zaquiel—inclined his head and made as if to turn away. Pausing, he glanced over his shoulder. “Do bring your pet when you join us, Azazel. It’d be a shame to hide her.” His violet eyes gave me a once over. “I’d like to see her all cleaned up.”

Azazel’s fingers in my hair tightened just the slightest bit. “Certainly, my lord.”

Still kneeling on the floor, I watched the female demon—Hekesha—lead Zaquiel through an archway on the opposite side of

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