Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,38

as it shifted its weight, and I had the impression it was faintly amused.

Great, just great. I’d probably have to incinerate the bloody towel afterwards just to make sure my live-in fire extinguisher monster didn’t snack on it and develop a taste for my blood.

Okay. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Steady hand...and cut.

Before I could waver again, I sliced the razor over the outside of my lower arm. The pain was sharp, but abated quickly, then settled into a more dull throbbing. I’d cut myself while shaving before, and it mostly just hurt when water hit the wound or the skin pulled tight when I moved. Hopefully this wouldn’t be that much different.

Blood welled at the cut, and I touched my finger to it.


Thankfully, the stone wall was smooth enough to draw on, and I wrote the sigil as best I could in continuous strokes, touching my finger again to the gash in my arm when I needed more blood. Upon finishing the last stroke, the sigil lit up briefly, reminiscent of the glow of the symbols I’d seen Azazel draw for the hellgate and outside on the balcony.

Silently, an outline manifested in front of my eyes. A second later, the wall sported a real passageway. No door to close on this one, just an open arch into darkness. A slight breeze blew through it, brushing with a chill over my skin. Definitely not an illusion.

Alrighty. I licked over the gash on my arm to crudely disinfect it, then pressed the towel to it.

My saliva has healing properties.

“Still nope.” I cast a wary glance upward. “Nice try, though.”

Suit yourself.

I raised a brow and turned to the doorway. Better to walk right through it, before it vanished. Who knew how long it would last? And how would I get back?

“Um.” I faced the hellcat again. “Will this spell work the other way around too? Can I get back here when I draw the symbol out there?”

The lines are all connected. A web of sorts. Here and there, and back again and to a place you haven’t been. Be careful that you seek the right one.

“Wha—” I shook my head. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Yes, and no.

“Can’t you just give me a straight answer?”

I’m a cat.

“Ugh. Fine. Thanks anyway.”

You can leave the towel. I’ll...take care of it.

I raised both brows and hurried into the dark archway. “Byyyyyye.”

The air held a welcome chill, much more in line with what one would expect from a stone building than the pressing heat in my rooms. Goosebumps beaded on my skin as I cautiously stepped forward. The light spilling in from the room behind me was just enough to illuminate the path in front of me. That was, until it vanished.

Darkness fully enveloped me, like a complete blackout blanket thrown over my head. Trying not to panic, I wrapped the towel around my arm and fastened it as well as possible, then reached out with both hands in search of the walls. My fingertips connected with cool stone, and I inched forward, using the wall to guide me.

I stopped short when I hit a dead end.

Crap. There was no door here. And only darkness behind me. I’d figured this would be a tunnel, with another archway at the end, waiting for me to walk through. I had the sinking feeling that if I turned around and retraced my steps, I wouldn’t find the original doorway again—only a blank stone wall, like here.

Was I trapped?

Panic welled inside me. I shoved it down mercilessly. Freaking out wouldn’t help me.

Think, Zoe, think.

Maybe I needed to draw the sigil again? I could still squeeze out enough blood from the cut in my arm, I was sure, but...it was pitch black. I couldn’t see my own hand in front of my eyes, let alone the wall or anything I drew on it.

Well, should have thought of that before I stepped into a dark archway, shouldn’t I? I groaned at my thoughtlessness. Next time I’d bring a torch, or a candle, anything to light my way.

If there was a next time.

Okay. Berating myself wouldn’t get me anywhere. I could only try to draw that sigil and hope I got all the strokes right, even without seeing them.

I unwrapped the towel from my arm, squeezed the gash—ouch—and tipped my finger in the warm liquid I could only feel, not see.

My heart thundered in my head, and I sweated so much I didn’t even feel the chill anymore.

There, the last stroke. I

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