Hellishly Ever After (Infernal Covenant #1) - Nadine Mutas Page 0,139

years from now.”

“Try a century.”

His eyes full of lightning, he murmured, “How about forever?”

“Are we still talking about glitter?” I bit my lip.

A sensual smile snuck onto his face, his energy a caress over my skin. “No.”

“In that case,” I said, booping him on the nose, “I want a ring.”

“A ring.”

“Don’t make me quote Beyoncé!”

He grinned as he kissed me. A ring it is, he spoke into my mind.

And then his kiss turned into a firestorm of urgency.

Licking and nibbling, he took my mouth with the kind of desperate hunger of someone who’d tasted the threat of starvation. I shivered, arched into him, and held on tight as I let him devour me. I was just as hungry for him.

He could have lost me today, and his kiss was testament of how much that had rocked him. A thousand words were packed into that kiss, the ones he’d spoken to me as he asked me to stay, and so many more that were yet to be said.

Tasting them on his tongue was enough for me right now.

I met him lick for lick, nip for nip, my blood afire. His hand on my hip made me suck in a sharp breath. With clear intent, he pulled the material of my dress out from between us.

I broke the kiss to protest. “I’m a bloody mess!”

He tilted his head. “Are you hurt?”


“Then I don’t bloody care.” Holding me in place with one hand under my ass, he slipped his other hand between my legs and found me wet and swollen.

“Azazel!” I gasped. “Your bathroom is right there. We should take a shower first—”

“I need you,” he said, his gentle strokes over my intimate flesh in stark contrast to the harshness of his tone. “I watched you be pulled into a hole by a filthy hellrat and spent the next hour thinking you’d died.”

I exhaled roughly, my chest squeezing at the pain in his words.

“I need to feel you,” he continued, his finger circling my clit. “I need to catch your breaths with my mouth, hear you cry my name when I make you come. I need to feel you hot and wet and ready when I take you so hard that I’ll be stamped into every cell of your body.”

My toes curled, and I arched into his touch.

“And, no,” he said with a growl, “this can’t wait. Not even five minutes.”

“Okay,” I wheezed, my pulse thundering, his caresses a firebrand on my skin. “Okay.”

I surrendered to the heady sensation of his fingers parting my lips, grazing my entrance. A moan tore itself from my throat as he slid two fingers inside me while pressing his thumb to my clit.

He was right. This couldn’t wait, and I needed this as much as he did. I didn’t want to imagine my life without him in it, without his touch, his laughter, his love. The thought alone hurt as much as a physical blow, and I clung tighter to him, pushed into his caress and caught his lips with mine, needing to drown out pain with pleasure.

He pumped his fingers in and out, stroking over my clit, until I rolled my hips with frantic need.

His mouth at my ear, hot breaths on my skin. “Come for me.”

I tipped over the edge with a drawn-out moan, losing myself in the explosions of bliss, the feel of his lips on my neck. The waves of my orgasm were yet crashing over my senses when the blunt head of his cock pushed inside me.

He stretched me with a delicious edge of pain, the movement as he sank home stoking the fires that had barely begun to simmer down. His throaty moan did me in completely. I came again, my head falling back against the wall, my hands buried in his hair.

“You feel perfect,” he groaned.

I clenched around him, sought his mouth, and found him eagerly meeting my lips. His kiss was demanding, possessive, greedy, and I gave him my breath, my heart, my all. Whatever he desired, it was his for the taking.

And take me he did.

Slinging one arm behind my back to cushion me against the wall, he grabbed on to my thigh with the other hand—and fucked me. Hard.

All I could do was hold on to him with my hands around his neck as he slammed into me again and again, claiming me more with each powerful stroke. His energy pushed and pulled on my skin, and the exquisitely raw friction of his body meeting mine coiled

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