Heiress in Red Silk (Duke's Heiress #2) - Madeline Hunter Page 0,92

actually perform labor—It is not to be borne. You are humiliating the family.’”

“You have her voice and her words exactly correct,” he said, laughing along with her. “I’m glad you are not shocked too. There was the chance you would be.”

Her gaze turned sultry. “Such as me aren’t shocked by a man using his strength to forge a dream, Kevin. That is not the word for what I am feeling now.”

He looked in her eyes. He quickly considered and discarded using the table, wall, or floor. “Come with me. Now.”

* * *

Out of the dining room he sped her. Up the stairs, all but carrying her, his arm supporting her beside him so he could move her along. At the landing he paused. “Where is your chamber?”

She pointed, and he strode in that direction. He threw open the door, dragged her inside, and slammed it shut. He held her head with his hands and claimed her with a fevered, impatient kiss.

Her own longing had simmered all day and only grown at dinner, and now it flooded her. She lost herself in the escalating madness they shared, joining him in clutching holds and hard caresses. His hands and mouth were everywhere, as if he could not get enough of her. She pressed against his chest with her hands, but his garments obscured his body too much. She wanted to see him as she had in her mind, naked and hard.

A small sound came from the dressing room. She glanced at that door.

“Your maid won’t come in,” he said while he began releasing her dress. “She knows I am here.”

The notion that the servants would know what she was doing dismayed her. Then her dress fell down to her hips, and Kevin’s kisses bit against her neck, and her stays loosened. There was no room in her mind for servants after that.

Frantic now, her outpouring of passion matching his, she tore at his cravat and fumbled with the buttons on his waistcoat. In a whirlwind of hunger, they shed their clothes until they embraced body to body and skin to skin. She held her breath in wonder of how good that felt, and she throbbed, sensitive and wet, in expectation of what was coming.

She found herself on the bed. He kneeled over her and used his mouth. Kisses, licks, and bites covered her body, each one arousing, each one demanding. He moved lower, then lower yet. She guessed what he was going to do. Shocked, she instinctively covered herself with her hand.

He kissed her hand. “Move it.”

She hesitated.

“Move it now, Rosamund.”

She obeyed and closed her eyes. He pleasured her with his hand until she surrendered to abandon. She was beyond shock when she felt his tongue begin a devastating tease. Soon, all was darkness and sensation, and cries of need screamed in her head. She felt him lift her legs.

She looked down her body. He stood beside the bed, holding her knees to his hips, thrusting into her. The sight of him aroused her more. He brought his intensity to everything he chose to do, even this, and it thrilled her to see his face hardened by passion, and his hair hanging about his brow and face, and his mouth and jaw so firm.

That special tightening began in reaction to it all, shimmering around his fullness this time, building into waves through her body that grew more violent. Her peak now centered where they joined. The release was so long and encompassing that she truly lost hold of the world while she cried out at the blissful freedom flooding her.

When her senses returned, he was laying in her arms, with his hard breaths feathering her ear.

“I was going mad without you,” he murmured.

She tightened her embrace and floated in perfect peace. Not only pleasure created this mood. A special intimacy absorbed her now, as if their essences touched as well as their bodies. That had become part of the desire and pleasure, and even of their easy friendship. She didn’t want to lose any of that.

Perhaps she would wait a day or so to let him know just how unacceptable she would be as a wife, and to ask him about the duke’s death.

* * *

“I suppose all the servants now know.”

Rosamund said that simply. He lay on his back and had her bundled into an embrace in his arms. He had been taking notice of the chamber’s appointments. She had done some redecorating and the place looked much nicer than when

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