Heiress for Hire - Madeline Hunter Page 0,56

all of her tingle and sent delicious spirals down her insides. Maybe . . .

A madness took hold of her, one that craved more of this pleasure that seemed to get better with each moment. She reveled in the amazing freedom delirium created. She did not want to control herself. She did not know how. She lost hold on the final tether to her normal self, and accepted the wildness of her senses.

His hand on her chest made her ache for more. His fingers working the buttons of her pelisse created an exquisite impatience. Only his touch on her breast made the wonder pause. For a moment old memories, tired and sad, tried to claim her. She refused to allow them. Not now. No. He caressed her breast and an incredible pleasure aided her, overwhelming the caution and fear.

Glorious then. So glorious that she almost laughed from the joy she experienced. He knew just what to do, how to touch her and caress her body so she lost herself. She opened her eyes to the beautiful sky and felt as if she flew up there. She turned her gaze to his taut expression, so hard and firm in his passion, and kissed his face in a dozen places. It surprised her, then, when his hand stilled and his kisses ended.

“We cannot continue like this here.”

She rested her forehead against his while the tightening spiral inside her slowly began to unwind. No, they could not. She rather wished they could.

He held here there for a long while. She did not want him to let her go. Eventually, however, she found the presence of mind to slip off his lap, so he would not have to ask her to. She rebuttoned her pelisse.

They stood and he took her hand. “Come with me.”

Down those stairs they went. Past the attic level where the servants lived. She wondered if they came up here at night, to enjoy the cool air in summer or to have assignations. Down again, past the door she had used to get to the stairs. Down one more level. He opened a door.

“These are the family chambers. That one is mine.” He pointed to a door visible from where they stood. “A few steps and here I am. A few more above and there you are.” He closed the door, then took her face in his hands. “I want to visit you tonight. Will you permit it?”

“Yes.” Right now, with the pleasure still echoing in her, she would have agreed to anything.

“At ten o’clock then. Be sure your maid is gone.” He brought her back up the stairs. At the door to her own level, he kissed her deeply, then turned to retrace his steps.

Chapter Fourteen

“A most unfortunate accident.” Mrs. Young kept saying that, whenever Minerva raised the matter of the duke’s death. It proved effective in ending the topic for a spell, until she raised it yet again. Between failed attempts, she chatted about the grounds, the manor building, and other simple topics. It kept her from thinking about tonight.

The sensual stupor had passed over an hour ago, leaving her to question whether she should have encouraged him. Could she do this? Should she? The usual cautions about pregnancy and heartbreak did not occupy her mind. What did was the chance for horrible disappointment, in herself.

Her own failings might be overcome by courage alone. The man she had chosen for this initiation was the bigger question. Even now, sitting at this dinner, she had to force her mind not to dwell on the questionable wisdom of taking such a step with him of all men.

The housekeeper’s quelling look at the other servants sent them back to their dinners. Silence reigned. Minerva was losing her patience. So much for trying to glean information through casual chatting. More directness would be required.

“No one is sure it was an accident. How likely is that? The walkway up there is wide enough, and in good condition. The wall is high enough. The weather was fair. The duke was familiar with that roof walk, and not going to do something stupid that would make him fall.”

Big eyes turned on her, shocked that she pursued the subject.

“We don’t speak of it,” Mrs. Young said sharply.

“Perhaps you should. Eventually there will be those who demand you do. I am sure the new duke would want you to cooperate with them.”

“We were all in bed,” Sarah said.

“Were you all asleep? Did no one hear anything? Your chambers

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