Heiress for Hire (Duke's Heiress #1) - Madeline Hunter Page 0,58

often admired by the more generous among us.”

Nicholas accepted that and drank more port. He looked to the ceiling and the invisible beyond. “Did you go up there today?”

“I did.” He would have to tell his cousin eventually. “I am convinced it was not an accident.”


“I ran an experiment to see how hard it would be to push someone of his size over. If a person were determined and waited for the right moment, it would not be difficult at all.”

“What kind of experiment?”

“I used my own body.”

“Risky. I’m not sure I approve.”

“It is the sort of thing those who conduct inquiries sometimes have to do.”

“How did you manage it? Pretend you were pushed and allow physics to take its course? You might have gone over. I am sure now that I do not approve.”

“I was never in danger. I had help. Someone held on to my coat to counterbalance the forward movement.”

“Did you drag a footman up there? He might have done it wrong.”

“Not a footman. Mrs. Rupert aided me.” She pushed me herself, damn it. He glanced to the clock on the table. Fifteen minutes past nine. Any residual annoyance he felt about the experiment disappeared while his anticipation rose several notches.

“You trusted a woman’s strength? That was not risky, it was reckless. You must promise me that you will never try anything like that again without having me present.”

“There will be no need to repeat the exercise. As I said, I am convinced it was possible. He would have to be caught unawares, though. If he saw it coming, it would never work.”

“I suppose anyone in the house could have done it.”

“Or anyone who entered the house unseen. The family has not been removed from the list.” How hard would it be to slip in? He would have to check tomorrow. Not tonight. Twenty-five past nine.

Nicholas downed the rest of his port, then sank low in the divan’s cushions. “Hell of a thing. I look around this house, amazed it is mine. I assumed he would eventually remarry, and sire his heir. Everyone did.”

“The reason you inherited still weighs on you. With time—”

“With time I will long for simply being a man about town, without all these obligations and responsibilities. I will miss attending balls where no one takes my expectations too seriously and I can flirt with women without having them calculating the riches that marriage will bring them.”

“You can still do that. You just have to pick different women.”

“Married ones, you mean. Or courtesans.”

“Or ones who know you will never marry them.”

Nicholas brightened a bit at the various options enumerated. “Ah, I forgot to tell you at dinner. I received a letter from Sanders today. He had been called upon by a solicitor engaged by Aunt Dolores, who took two hours to explain that I am duty bound to provide for her the way her brother did. He handed over a long list of everything she received in the last five years, even above and beyond her allowance which alone was handsome. It was down to the shilling.”

“You are under no obligations.”

Nicholas laughed. “As if you would be so brave as to say that to them.”

“I’d be brave enough to explain that my situation did not match Uncle Frederick’s, so my generosity could not either.” Thirty-five minutes past nine.

“Dolores will never listen to reason of that kind.”

“You will find a way to settle with her in a way she accepts, I am sure. Deciding about the cousins will be harder.”

Forty minutes past nine. Chase set his glass down with finality. He stifled a feigned yawn and added a stretch for good measure. “I think I will retire. There are things I must do in the morning.”

“It is early for you. I hope you are not getting too old to drink the night away with me. If I am to pursue inappropriate women, I will expect your company.”

“No, no. Merely tonight I keep yawning, so some sleep is in order.”

“You aren’t planning any more experiments with Mrs. Rupert tonight, are you?” He asked ever so blandly, but his eyes glinted with humor.

“No need. We are done with that,” Chase said, just as blandly.

“Ah. Well, I trust you will have a good night.”

Chase took the stairs two at a time. He threw open the door to his apartment and strode into the dressing room. Hot water already waited. He cast off his coats and made use of it. Then he sent away the servant assigned to act

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