Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,74

you did.”

Chey rubbed her forehead with her fingertips. “Yes, and fat lot of good it'll do me. I remember, most clearly, the talk we had about your broodmares. And without repeating your Mother last night, I am as far from a prime choice for dating as there could possibly be. Sander knew this, yet he proceeded to play with my heart, my affections—and it was wrong.”

“I disagree. Perhaps because I live this life, and I know how impossible it is to find someone who will like you for you and not the title attached to your name. There are no guarantees anything will work out between you, but the two of you have a head start that none of us ever get. He saw a rare opportunity and took it. What is so wrong with that?” Mattias leaned a shoulder against the door frame.

“He lied to achieve his goals, that's what's wrong with it.”

“That is a matter of perspective. He told you his real name, that wasn't a lie.”

“Yes, and also told me he was the head of security, which he is not.” Chey arched a brow at Mattias, daring him to deny it.

“A small consequence.” He brushed it off as nothing.

“Why did you take me to the city? Invite me to the gala? For the reasons you said, about liking my company, even though you knew about Sander and I?”

“That and I was keeping an eye on you for him.”

Chey stopped pacing to stare at Mattias. “What?”

“I said, I was keeping an eye on you. From the day of the shooting, we suspected something was wrong. We never did find the shooter, you see.”

“But you said--”

“To put less strain and stress on you. Dare was worried, especially after the attack in your room. So I took it upon myself to enjoy your company while making it a lot more difficult for the culprit to get their hands on you. At least for the time you were with me.” Mattias delivered the facts with a straight face and honesty in every word. “In the very beginning, we had to make sure it wasn't an attack directed at Dare. He ruled that out pretty quickly.”

Processing the details, Chey stared alternately at the floor and at Mattias.

“Why didn't he just come back to the castle? Why does he live down there in the cabin?” None of that made sense to Chey.

“He arrived back early from his...trip...abroad, and decided to delay confronting the Queen about the woman she intends to be his bride. He stays there often, as a matter of fact. There is, unless you are blind and deaf, dissension in the ranks around here.”

“Mm, yes. The woman he was supposed to court or something. What happened?”

“I think you should let him explain.” Mattias straightened away from the wall. “And I think you should not hasten away from Latvala so cavalierly. Take a moment to breathe, to assess. Try to put yourself in his shoes.”

Mattias had a point. It did not lessen her ire, exactly, but she could see that Sander deserved a chance to explain himself.

“All right.” Truth be told, Chey didn't want to leave. Dysfunctional family aside, Chey was fascinated by the inner workings of the castle and its occupants. It did not give her hope for she and Sander, however. Chey understood that whatever they shared, it was temporary. The Queen—and probably the King—would never allow them to date on a serious level. Even Mattias bringing her to family functions as a guest caused unbelievable turmoil. Knowing they were doomed before they ever got off the ground put that familiar ache back in her heart. How depressing. And how infuriating that he wasn't the simple man she believed him to be.

“I'll see you tomorrow, if not sooner.” Mattias exited without another word.

Rubbing the back of her neck, Chey stood near the window and watched the snow swirl down from the sky. Her emotions were a wreck. It might take her a day or two before she was able to face Sander with any kind of control.

With the weather worsening by the hour, time was a commodity she had plenty of.

Chapter Fifteen

For a full day and a half, Chey kept to herself. The only visitors she had were Ingel and Elise when they brought breakfast and dinner. Lunch was a meal Chey went to the kitchen for herself. She knew Mattias had something to do with Urmas and Allar laying low after the explosive session in the solarium, and for

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