Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,68


“Thank you. I've noticed your absence around the castle the last couple of days. Everything all right with you?” He escorted her down the hallway and around the corner for the other set of stairs. The ones leading to the third floor.

Places off limits for people like her.

“I was taking pictures of the Latvala wilds.” Which was true. The canoe trip definitely fell into that category.

“And did you like what you saw?” Mattias slowed his pace leading her up the stairs.

“It's beautiful country. I hope to explore more of it during my stay. Closer to the mountains, perhaps.”

“Better hurry then. By the middle of November, the days will be much shorter and the snow deep enough to be a hinderance.” Mattias guided her toward a tall archway on the Royal's personal floor.

“Thanks for the warning. I'll make it a priority in the next couple of weeks.”

“Excellent. If you need escort, or a more rugged vehicle, let me know and I'll arrange something.” He didn't pause before sweeping her into the vast, formal dining hall.

Whatever Chey might have said evaporated when she spied the long, elaborately set table and the people either seated or standing around it. The entire Royal family appeared to be present. The King and Queen, Paavo and Aurora, Natalia and another man and woman Chey hadn't met. It was either the eldest brother, Dare, or the youngest, Gunnar. He was as striking as the other men, though not quite as tall, with blonde hair and green eyes.

Chey didn't have time to decide who was who before her gaze landed smack on Viia.

She was going to kill Mattias. Kill him dead.

Mattias halted their progress halfway to the end of the table. Chey guessed Viia had everything to do with the sudden, cold expression that crossed his face. The two must have had a falling out, or an argument, or some other point of contention between them. Either that, or Mattias was just that disgruntled to see her there.

Silence descended on the entire group.

Wishing a great black hole would open up in the floor and swallow her, Chey glanced from Mattias's murderous look to the others. Paavo and his wife seemed genuinely surprised. The King stared with displeasure clear on his features while the Queen leveled a rather direct look on Chey.

It was Natalia, of course, who broke the awkward pause. Her chair scraped back over the floor when she stood up.

“What is she doing here?” Natalia demanded.

“Quiet your mouth,” Mattias hissed. “Miss Sinclair is my invited guest to dinner. I want to know which one of you extended another to Viia without my knowledge or approval.”

Had Chey been on the receiving end of Mattias's dark tone and predatory stare, she would have withered and disappeared under the table. Pronto.

“I did not realize an invitation was needed,” the Queen said after a long sip of her wine. “After all, Viia is your intended. This woman is not.”

This woman. The Queen could not have sounded more disdainful if she'd tried. Chey bristled inwardly but took care not to let it show where everyone else could see. Although if she was honest, the Queen was only being truthful. Chey had no business attending a private, Royal family function.

“She is not my intended and each one of you know it. Now, who invited her?” Mattias's quiet fury could not be contained. A muscle twitched along his jaw.

“I invited her, brother. Your behavior lately is inexcusable,” Natalia spat, before turning a venomous stare on Chey. “And you. I have had about enough of this. I want her fired--”

“Enough!” Mattias's voice boomed through the elaborate, richly decorated dining hall.

Chey twitched in surprise. She'd never heard him raise his voice that way before. Real fear gripped her gut. Natalia would push to have her fired after this. Or maybe she would get her way before Chey could even escape the dining hall.

Oh no. This was a disaster.

“Mattias--” The King got no further before Mattias cut him off.

“No. This ridiculousness ends tonight. Viia, take your leave.” He snapped the order her way. When she didn't move fast enough for him, Mattias cracked another command. “Now.”

Openly flustered and upset, Viia set her wine glass down and stalked from the room.

Chey knew better than to make eye contact with her. Just then, she wanted to be at Sander's cabin, far from the tension and strife of being involved with the Royal family. His life was so much simpler.

Mattias had never done her wrong, however, so she stood resolutely

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