Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,50

throat, and slid between her thighs with an experienced slice of his pelvis. He gave no quarter, the way he loved her, consuming all of her with his demanding mouth, strong hands and stronger hips. Pounding her into submission, he swallowed her lusty cries and fed her a snarl of his own at the end. She thought it sounded suspiciously like her name.

Sweat covered and boneless, Chey recovered from the bliss wrapped in his arms, legs tangled endlessly. Every now and then, a stray spasm shook her. He squeezed her tighter against him, kissed her temple, then turned just his shoulders flush with the bed. Raking a hand through his damp hair, he stared at the peaked ceiling.

“Penny for your thoughts,” she ventured, kissing his chest. He looked like a fallen God, honed and golden skinned.

“I'm wondering how much of a ripple it would cause in the castle if you spent the night here.”

“Well, they said I could come and go as I please when I'm not photographing the Royals--” It dawned on Chey then that she had plans for the evening. Sitting straight up, she glanced at the windows to gauge the time. From the sharp slant of the sun, she guessed it was late afternoon. Four, maybe five o'clock. Oh crap. She was supposed to be getting ready for the dinner this evening with Mattias. Did she even want to go? It didn't matter. She couldn't just stand Mattias up, not after the shopping trip. Never mind she'd agreed to go.

“What's wrong?” he asked, voice alluringly raspy.

“Actually, as much as I'd like to stay, I can't. I just remembered I have something to do this evening.” Chey gave him an apologetic glance and leaned over to kiss him. He grunted but returned it.


“Sort of. I promised someone I'd be there at the castle this evening. Or trust me, I'd stay.” She smiled down into his face.

He cocked a brow, obviously curious at what she wasn't saying. “All right.”

“We're still on for tomorrow, right? Where am I supposed to meet you again? I can come here if you want. I know my way well enough now.” She kissed him once more before sliding out of bed. With every inch she put between them, Chey regretted having to leave more and more. Things felt good between her and Sander. She wanted to explore him, spend time getting to know his habits.

Aware his gaze followed her every movement, she picked her clothes up off the floor and started pulling them on.

Sander, as lazy as a lion basking in the sun, arched a hand behind his head and set the other on his stomach. The sheets barely covered his hips.

“Sure, meet me here. Remember that you need to act like everything is normal at the castle, hm? Don't give the game away. And don't be surprised if you notice someone tailing you at a distance when you come and go. I've got a few men discreetly following you, just in case. The mare's outside, but you can take the truck to the castle if you need to get there faster.”

His willingness to work with her, and not antagonize her for leaving so abruptly, endeared Sander to her. Once she had her clothes and shoes on, she set a knee to the mattress and leaned over to brush another kiss across his mouth.

“Thank you. I'll take the truck. Can I just drive it back tomorrow? I love riding the mare, but I think I feel safer with the vehicle.”

He kissed her, a lingering press of lips. “Of course. Don't worry about the horse. I'll see to it she gets back to the stables tonight.”

“Excellent. I'll see you tomorrow evening, then.”

He caught her around the nape and hauled her down for a more thorough kiss. Then he released her. “Go on, get out of here before I forget all my good intentions and drag you back into bed.”

Laughing, Chey pinched his stomach hard enough to make him grunt and swat at her hand. “Maybe I'd let you.”

“Maybe?” He arched a brow like she'd just issued a challenge.

Chey eased off the bed before he followed through and snagged her. “Okay, probably. I'd probably let you,” she teased. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

He said nothing in the way of goodbye, but the hot look he leveled on her gave Chey goosebumps. Raiding his pants for keys, she left him there with a last glance back. Then she hurried out the door to the truck, aware time was

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