Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,25

the big garden, or the King's Garden, as dusk fell across the landscape. She studied the angle she'd set the camera up to capture, a picturesque view of a square arch overflowing with small, climbing roses. Greenery surrounded it and not far beyond, a fountain of cherubs burbled merrily. It would make a great backdrop for a family photo.

Since her return to the castle, security had been tightened even more than usual. Men and military stood guard in the halls, at the doors, and around the courtyards and perimeter of the grounds. Allar had no new information to give her. He reassured her everything was being done to track down the perpetrator and left it at that.

Not that Chey expected regular updates. She was sure she probably wouldn't ever hear what became of the incident in the woods. The security didn't owe her any explanations.

She had her equipment back in one piece and for that she was grateful. While she waited for the family, she found her phone among the bags and entered Sander's number into the short contact list. She sent a text as promised.

Back safe and sound. Look forward to canoeing. C.

Putting the phone away just as she heard a mild commotion at the doors to the garden, Chey smoothed her palm over the new suit she'd changed into. Dove gray with a pink shirt beneath, it made her feel businesslike and professional. For this assignment, she knew she needed to dress appropriately and had brought every suit she owned.

Into the King's Garden swept Viia, heels cracking over the stone walkway. She looked smart and sharp in a black skirt suit with white accents. Pulled back into a sleek chignon, the severe style of her blonde hair accentuated the high perfection of her cheekbones and the lush shape of her red painted mouth. She glanced briefly at Chey on the way by, dismissing her just as fast.

Remembering Mattias' request, Chey stepped behind the camera and snapped a few shots without the flash. She caught Viia looking somewhat perturbed—which was, as far as Chey could tell, a normal expression for her—and impatient.

It wasn't her fault the woman was constantly in a sour mood.

Aurora entered the garden next, subdued in a fragile peach dress that swished around her calves.

“It would have made for a better portrait, Aurora, if you'd worn something less...frilly,” Viia said with a skeptical look at Aurora's dress.

“Paavo wanted me to wear this one. He's in his gray suit.” Aurora didn't glance at Chey as she approached Viia and the rose covered arch. “Besides. You're not quite of the family yet. If and when you are, then you'll be wearing more appropriate clothing.”

The stinging words caught Chey by surprise. She straightened behind the camera just as Viia leveled a scathing look on Aurora.

“Need I remind you, Aurora, that should I become his wife, you'll be ranked lower than me?” Viia said. “And then I'll be setting the standard for what's proper and what's not.”

The complications of being involved in a Royal setting became clear to Chey in less than two days on the property. A fight for power and position reigned, with the lower ranking women squabbling over who would set trends and standards. The hierarchy was tedious, tenuous. She wondered how many more secrets the family harbored besides a possibly alcoholic Princess.

“Frankly, Viia, if you haven't secured a ring and a proposal by now, I'd wonder over his intentions. Are you sure he's not using you to keep his mother from setting up another situation, like what she's done with Dare? Trying to force him into marriage?” Aurora faced Viia down, flicking the floating hem of her peach dress around her calves.

Any other time, Chey would have loved to capture some of the looks these women were trading on camera. It added a whole new sphere to understanding the intricacies of the Royals. Things not seen by the general public.

She didn't dare, however. If either woman caught her at it they would throw fits, she was sure of it. As it was, she pretended like she wasn't paying any attention to the tension, fiddling with the camera instead.

“Did you catch any of that?” a masculine voice said near her ear.

Chey twitched in surprise and straightened. Mattias stood at her side, so close she could smell his masculine cologne. She hadn't heard him enter the garden, too caught up in the melodrama with the girls.

“I...no. I didn't think it wise.” Chey whispered, as if that might help

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