Heir Untamed - By Danielle Bourdon Page 0,16

his hips. Any woman would be, she told herself, and tried to put it from her mind.

“If you don't take any pictures, no one will ever know you were there but me anyway, and I promise not to tell.” He winked over his shoulder.

“You know, you almost seem normal.” Chey blurted the thought before it had time to run through the filter between her brain and her mouth. Cringing, she braced herself for his anger.

Instead, Mattias laughed. Leading her out of the library, he padded along the floor with a languid, unhurried stride. “We're people, above all things, with feelings and emotions and whatever else. I might be Royalty, but I'm not untouchable.”

“You all seem that way. Or you did when I was taking the photos. I guess it's just status. You have loads, I have none.” Chey paced at his flank, eyes ahead on the hallway and not aside on his back. Safer that way.

“We're born what we are. Some of us have no choice but to follow the course expected of us.”

“Well. I mean, you could decide you didn't want to be a Royal and go live elsewhere. Right? That's still your choice.” Chey rounded the corner when Mattias did, heading down a restricted hallway. Already her skin started to prickle with nerves.

“That's where duty and honor step in. I could, but where does that leave my family? Where does that leave the people of this fine country who believe in us? Our ancestors lived and died to make this a country we could be proud of—and I am very proud of our country—and I would not consider abandoning the duty of carrying on.” He glanced aside, a brow arched.

Chey chewed in the inside of her lip. She realized just how outclassed she was, how small in comparison to his position. It was quite a shocking revelation to comprehend the gap of separation. At the same time, standing next to him in his half clothed state—he seemed like any other man.

Meeting his gaze, Chey tilted her head in a way that said she understood. Mostly. “I get it. About honor and duty. At least as much as I'm able to coming from the background I have. Family is important, but we only answer to ourselves and those we come in contact with. It's not like we have an entire country to think about as well.”

“Some think it a burden, and it can be. At times, I wish nothing more than to sink into the ranks of the unknown, so that I may move about the world without a camera always in my face. Yet there is no other position I would like to hold than to be second in line to the throne.” Mattias guided her through another turn, and another, entering a short hallway with double french doors at the end.

“I don't think the first in line was at the photo shoot today,” she said, fishing for a little more information. “In fact, two of your brothers were absent, yes?”

“Mm, yes. Dare, who will be crowned King when father passes, has been...set up to meet a woman mother dearly wishes he would consider taking to wife. They were in Italy last I heard. Gunnar, the youngest brother, returns tomorrow from vacation with his wife, Krislin. Otherwise, you've met Paavo and me as well as our sister, Natalia.”

“I'm never going to keep all this straight,” Chey muttered.

Mattias chuckled and opened one of the french doors, allowing her to enter first. “Dare, Mattias, Paavo, Gunnar and Natalia. Easy.”

Chey repeated the names under her breath as she stepped from the castle into the secretive, walled garden.

. . .

She understood immediately why the garden was the queen's favorite, and why it was off limits to everyone else. Stepping into the walled space was like stepping into Eden. Chey guessed it was a half an acre, impressive considering it was attached to the castle itself, with cobbled walkways, extensive foliage and stone fountains in the shape of cherubs. Water burbled from each one, and from a meandering creek that fed into a small pond. Tiny white lights decorated trees, adding a whimsical flare.

Right away, Chey brought the camera up to snap a few shots. If Mattias brought her here to begin with, she doubted he would say anything about the photos. He didn't. He paced alongside, hands behind his back, watching both her and the surroundings.

Chey could see his attention swing out and then back every few steps.

“It's really beautiful. I can

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