Hearts Entwined (Victorian Love #3) - M.A. Nichols Page 0,51

then that is their failing and not yours,” said Sophie. “Your conversation is wonderful and insightful.”

Lily’s dark eyes were so like her brothers, and they met Sophie’s. Though the forest canopy blocked out most of the sunlight, Sophie saw the tears glimmering there.

“Why are you so kind to me? My mother has been beastly to you, yet you are sitting here, comforting me.”

“Your mother has her reasons for not trusting me, Lily,” replied Sophie. “And I cannot fault her for them.”

“You should, for it is unfair of her to judge you so.” But any other words Lily might’ve said were lost as another bout of tears gripped her.

There was nothing Sophie could do to ease that pain. Miss Nelson’s words could not be recalled, and no amount of assurances would wipe them from memory. So, Sophie did the only thing she could, and gave Lily a shoulder upon which to cry.

Chapter 19

Time slipped by, and Victoria refused to mark its passing. Surely it was inconsequential when enveloped in such beauty. It was eternal. All-encompassing. This moment had no end or beginning, and she would not taint its beauty with something so mundane as minutes and seconds.

Victoria was grateful for the tree at her back, giving her added support as she clung to Elijah. The world dissolved, muting the sounds of nature until only his voice could be heard, murmuring precious tokens of love. Elijah surrounded her, filling her heart and mind to the exclusion of all else.

Surely no heart could contain such elation and joy, and Victoria now understood why silly young ladies in romances swooned after such declarations of love.

“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she whispered.

“You could make it so with only one word.”

Victoria met his gaze, her brows twisting in an unspoken question.

“Will you be my wife?” he murmured.

And with that, the clock began to tick, and the world spun again.

Hands coming to his chest, Victoria pushed against him, though he did not budge. “You know I cannot, Elijah.”

“Because of duty and not desire.”

“Does it matter?”

Elijah’s blue eyes sparked with a fire that seemed to burn in his heart. “It matters a great deal. If you rejected me because you do not and could not love me, then I would never ask you again. But I will not surrender when you keep me at arm’s length solely because of a misplaced sense of responsibility.”

“You think me able to keep you at arm’s length?” she asked, giving her arms a wry glance as they nudged him away to no avail.

“I understand your reasons, but I will not allow you to sacrifice your happiness without a fight, Victoria.” His hand crept up to her face, his thumb brushing against her lower lip. “Mr. Flemming is helping me to claw my way up the ranks. Even if I must do it alone, I will make a success of myself, but with you by my side, we would burst through any obstacles. Together, we could help shape our country.”

Victoria’s breath caught at the thought of that future. That glorious golden hope dangling mere inches from her grasp. “But what of my sisters? Any success we garner would arrive too late for them.”

The pad of his thumb traced the lips he’d kissed so soundly. “I am merely asking for time, Victoria. Miriam is only just stepping into society. You needn’t surrender your future right this instant. Do not give up on us.”

Elijah’s lips captured hers once more, but where the others were scorching and consuming, this was a caress. From an outsider’s perspective, it might’ve appeared chaste, except no simple press of lips held such emotion and promise. Victoria felt his heart in that kiss, and it did more to ensnare hers than—


Her sister’s voice sliced through the forest, sending Victoria leaping away as though hot coals had been shoveled down her dress. With a step and push, she put distance between herself and Elijah, though he did not relinquish his hold on her hand.

“Miriam…” Victoria’s throat tightened, her mouth drying like a dead leaf on a hot summer’s day. Her gaze turned from her sister to Elijah and back again before settling on their clasped hands.

Anger burned in Miriam’s eyes, and with a scowl, she turned and fled.

“Miriam!” Victoria moved to follow, but Elijah did not release her. Shaking her head, she tugged her hand free, putting more distance between them. “I am not free to marry as I wish, Elijah. Why must you keep tormenting me with what

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