Heartless Hunk - Ann Omasta Page 0,10

better tell me another deep, dark secret.”



The magnificent woman beside me had already completely stunned me twice since we’d entered this vehicle. The audiobook of ‘mommy porn’ that she had been listening to was beyond thrilling, but I couldn’t shake the mental vision of her with no front teeth.

I hadn’t realized how important teeth were to me. Perhaps I should have gone into dentistry, rather than becoming an investment broker. Despite the fact that picturing her with no teeth gave me the heebie-jeebies, she was still by far the sexiest woman I had ever laid eyes on. And I wanted to lay a lot more than that on her.

Reminding myself that she was off-limits, I said, “So, I owe you a secret, huh?”

“Yep,” She nodded, grinning with anticipation.

Pretending to mull it over, I said, “Hmm. You shared a doozy with me, so I need to make it a good one.”

I couldn’t share my biggest secret with her, so instead I settled for saying, “How about this? I voluntarily went on the show Hot Hunks, and I am widely known on social media as the Heartless Hunk, but I despise the word hunk. It sounds like a descriptor for a wedge of cheese or meat, not a human being.”

Violet scrunched up her face. “That wasn’t much of a secret. I doubt anyone likes being referred to as a hunk.”

“Oh, you’d be surprised,” I told her as I remembered some of the other bachelors on the show.

Shaking her head, Violet decided, “Nope. That one doesn’t count. Try again.”

Although I wasn’t sure why she got to make up the rules, I was enjoying our game immensely, so I said, “Okay, but I might need you to sign a confidentiality agreement before I reveal this next one.”

“I would never share anything you don’t want revealed,” she said, and for some reason, I had no doubt she was telling the truth. The confidentiality of my private life had been betrayed by many people that I thought cared about me while I was on the show, but something about Violet’s demeanor instilled trust.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “All right, here goes… I drank bourbon or scotch while I was on the show, but I practically had to choke it down. I hate ‘manly’ liquors and would much prefer a girly drink, like a daiquiri or Mai Tai.”

Vi kicked her head back and let out the uninhibited laugh that I had enjoyed so much at the bar the night we met. I’d be willing to say or do almost anything to hear it regularly.

“That’s a good one!” she commented when her delighted laughter finally subsided.

“Your turn,” I told her, enjoying this game of revealing secrets with her more than any game I’d ever played.

“Hmm.” She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she tried to think of another one. Finally, she sucked in a breath and said, “I’m a chocoholic!”

“That’s not surprising or a secret.” I shook my head as I shot down her attempt.

Unwilling to be blocked so easily, she added, “But I’m an extreme chocoholic. It’s a true addiction. In fact, that’s how I met Soraya. Our favorite coffee cart only had one Hershey bar left, and we both wanted it.”

“Let me guess,” I inserted. “You both kindly offered to let the other take it, and you’ve been the best of friends ever since.”

“Oh, no,” she responded. “We both went for it and wrestled each other to the ground fighting over it.”

Just picturing that made my dick spring to attention. “Holy fuck,” I breathed out as I shifted in my seat. Visualizing the two gorgeous women struggling over the last chocolate bar was something I would need to revisit later––when I was alone and free to let the fantasy fully develop in my mind.

She went on, obviously having no idea how her story was consuming my mind and cock. “We were both ready to fight to the death over it and everyone just stood back and watched, unwilling to intervene.”

I didn’t admit it to her, but there is no way I would have been able to put a stop to it, either, unless I feared they might truly hurt each other. I’d have been too intrigued by watching the sexy women rolling around together to be responsible enough to separate them.

When I realized she had stopped talking, I asked, “Who ended up getting it?”

“Well, we wrestled until we were both on our backs on the ground out-of-breath and laughing hysterically. She tried to

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