Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,56

“You’re a little slut, aren’t you? Daddy’s gonna keep spanking you until you promise to be a good girl.” His jaw slid forward and his eyes narrowed. “Then I’m going to make you get down on your knees and suck on my dick. After that, I’m going to spank you so hard that you’re gonna scream for mercy.”

A shadow moved behind him so fast that it was dreamlike. Christian gripped the man by the neck and hauled him away from me.

Christian’s fangs punched out. “You first, you insipid shitebag.” His black eyes were wrought with fury and violence.

A cold chill ran down my spine.

Instead of biting him, Christian slammed him against the wall. The man bellowed in pain when a bone snapped. Christian stalked toward him, lifted him by the throat, and flung him across the room. The man crashed into the Saint Andrew’s cross, breaking it to pieces. While I’d been in a stupor for almost an hour, seeing Christian jogged my memory.

Only the sex bits. I remembered how good his hands felt against my skin and his tongue in my mouth. The taste of his blood and the way he knew my body like no one else. When I looked at him, the only word that filled my mind was yes. I gripped the chain above me and watched with delight as he beat the stranger senseless. Blood spattered the walls but barely showed up against the red lighting.

After wiping his bloody knuckles on the man’s jeans, Christian finally rose to his feet and approached me with a menacing stride. He reached above my head and broke the chain in two. My muscles ached as I lowered them. Christian snapped off the shackles as if he were breaking open fortune cookies.

When I thought he might barrage me with questions, he took me into his arms and carried me out. He moved down the dark hall with his head down. The back door opened, and I took a breath of fresh air.

Christian set my feet on the ground and adjusted my bra so that it covered my nipples. Then he wrapped his trench coat around me and forced me into the back seat of a car. The door shut, he tapped on the hood, and off I went.


With my arms free, I could finally touch myself. And I did. My hands dove between my legs to ease a suffering so destructive that I felt myself coming unhinged. The driver didn’t look back at me. Not once. His eyes never watched me in the rearview mirror, and he didn’t ask me where I wanted to go. City lights blurred outside the fogged-up windows, and the sound of a loud motorcycle roared past us.

The car eventually came to a stop, and the driver got out. When my door opened, I almost fell into the gutter. The driver caught me and helped me inside the hotel. The next thing I knew, I was in the elevator. He punched a button and turned away while I slumped down to the floor, Christian’s coat still wrapped around my shoulders. It was a struggle to keep my eyes open. Closing them intensified the sensory experience, but I was so exhausted. I just wanted it all to end.

When the doors opened, Christian was there. He scooped me into his arms and carried me down the hall.

“I’ve got you, Precious,” he muttered against my hair.

I looked up and wrapped my arms around his neck. When I pulled myself closer so that I could taste his skin, he leaned away. The beep of the card key sounded, and he set me down inside the hotel room.

“Stay here.” Christian locked the door and roamed through the dark room toward the windows. After closing the heavy drapes, he switched on the lamp to a low setting. Then he came back and flung my trench coat across the room into the corner chair. Once my boots were off, he led me into the bathroom and stripped off my shorts and panties.

“Finally,” I whispered, clutching his shirt.

He took off my leather bra. “There’ll be none of that.”

Naked and ready, I forced myself against him. Christian gripped my arm and removed the thin towel bandaging my cut. After giving my forearm a thorough inspection, he removed the cloth mask around my eyes and turned my head to examine my bruised face.

“You lost your contact,” he said absently. “But there’s no damage to your cornea.”

I grabbed the back of his neck and tried to

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