Heartless - Dannika Dark Page 0,137

in the Regulators. Maybe Pablo was distracting him so his redheaded cohort could sneak up and sever Wyatt’s head. Wyatt stroked his throat.

“You look pale, my friend. I assure you this isn’t a ruse. I haven’t been myself lately. Perhaps my evil deeds are catching up with my conscience.”

“Whatever you say.” Wyatt zipped up his backpack.

“I am curious about one thing: how did you know my given name? If my mother isn’t the one you’re talking to, then who is?”

Wyatt flicked a glance at the blonde, who was giving Pablo a scathing look from her seat on the table. He swiped up his ski mask and shoved it in his back pocket. “Her name is Tiffany. Ring any bells?”

Pablo clasped his hands behind his back and inclined his head. “Ah, now it all makes sense. Tell me, Gravewalker, is it true that the dead can put thoughts in your head?”

“Sometimes. It depends on the person and the circumstance.”

“The timing of her death and my guilty conscience is more than a coincidence. I’ve been having all sorts of dreams, and I wonder if Tiffany had something to do with that. She wasn’t involved in the death matches, but Tiffany was surprisingly competitive. Audrey convinces the girls that if they choose to leave, a Vampire will scrub their memories. That’s a lie to make them feel safe. Audrey would never risk anyone leaving our organization with all that knowledge, so the quitters and losers became my responsibility. Taking care of her problems was the hardest part of my job. I never received any specific orders about sexual relations with the fighters, so perhaps it never occurred to Audrey that a woman could be attracted to a dwarf. Tiffany was”— Pablo made the shape of an hourglass with his hands—“but I guess you can see that for yourself.”

“She’s all yours, buddy. In this life and in the next.”

Pablo followed Wyatt’s gaze. “Tiffany, you deserved better, and for that I’m eternally sorry. I only hope that you were unconscious the entire time and didn’t feel any pain. Don’t waste your existence following me. Move on to the next life. I’ll be spending many, many years in a cell. That’s no place for a woman like you.”

Wyatt inched toward the door. “She gives her thanks.”

“Do me one favor—say it like she said it. In her words, not yours.”

This guy was a nutball. If there was one thing Wyatt hated, it was acting as an interpreter for the dead. He drew in a deep breath and sighed. “It’s okay, Ozzie Pooh. I forgive you, even though a stray cat ate one of my toes.”

Pablo grimaced before pulling out a chair. “Have a seat, my lady. There’re things I wish to say before I go.”

Feeling a bubble of nausea rise in his throat, Wyatt backed up toward the door. “That’s a therapy session I ain’t got time for.”

His job was to collect evidence and keep his ass alive. No sense hanging around if this guy decided to change his mind. Besides, their backup would be here any moment to take care of Pablo and his ghosty gal.

“I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Wyatt turned on his heel and froze when he spotted a drop-dead gorgeous redhead walking their way. “Now that’s a twist I didn’t see coming.”

Chapter 32

The elevator moved like molasses, but that gave me a chance to get a good look at myself in the reflective wall. “Did you ever see that movie Carrie?”

“You and your da spend far too much time watching movies. You should pick up a book sometime.”

“Everything You Wanted to Know about Tarantulas but Were Afraid to Ask?”

“One of these days, I’m going to take you to the zoo.”

“If you’re trying to get rid of me, Poe, bars won’t keep me away from you.” I batted my eyelashes coquettishly.

“You’re a peculiar woman.” He leaned against the wall, arms folded. “For your information, animals have a lot to teach us about our true instincts—the ones we repress.”

“I suppose your instinct is telling you to lick every drop of blood off my body?”

He leaned forward and gave me a wolfish grin. “That’s not what I want to lick.”

I flushed all over, and for a brief moment, I entertained the idea of having sex with Christian in the elevator. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was entertaining the thought too. We stared at each other intensely.

Ding went the elevator.

He pulled his collar away

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