Heartbreak Me by T.L. Smith Page 0,62

private. Benji grips her tightly, though, holding her to him, so I swing around and say, “You better let her arm go right now, or I will dick punch you so fucking hard you won’t be able to walk for a fucking week.”

Benji let’s go immediately and looks at his wife. She nods as I pull her away.

“Thea,” she says, but my legs won’t stop walking until we are far enough away that I can scream and yell at her all I want.

When we get to my car, I turn around to face her. Lucy’s wearing a black dress that clings to her as she stands straight with no remorse on her face whatsoever.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yell at her. “Where the fuck have you been?”

She shrugs. Fucking shrugs. “With Benji.”

“Your husband?” I ask.

She glances down at the ring on her finger.

“Yeah, nice of you to fucking tell me that, by the way.”

Dark eyes glance up at me, completely opposite to my light ones. “Would you have even cared?”

My mouth opens wide, and I ask in a shaky, disbelieving voice, “Are you serious right now?”

“You stopped caring what I do a while ago,” she points out.

“What? Because I stopped enabling you, I stopped caring, is that what you’re saying?”

“You don’t enable me.”

“I have always supported you, even when you fuck shit up.”

“You didn’t have a problem doing that with Atlas. You came to the rescue for him.”

I point my finger at her chest and push it into her. “You! I did it for you! You ungrateful bitch.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “So, are you telling me you didn’t fuck him?” She raises an eyebrow.

I notice Benji walking over toward us and turn to him. “You! You can fuck off.”

He looks to Lucy who shrugs and starts to walk away from me. I grab her, but she pushes me away, so I snatch her by her long dark hair, pulling her back to me. Benji walks over and touches my arm. I turn fast and punch him right between the legs. Lucy screams, but I don’t let go of her hair.

“A thank you is all I ask for, you ungrateful fucking bitch, a simple thank you. You know those two words you have never given me in your life. Like ever. Even after I looked after you, bailed you out of everything you did wrong. A simple fucking thank you.” I pull her hair, so she’s in my face. “I’m the only family you have left.”

“I love him, and you took him,” she screams. “He was mine,” she says, trying to get me to let go, but my hands are locked on her hair.

“Who?” I ask, confused, as I look to Benji while he stands there with his fists clenched and his eyes narrowed in on me. “Benji?” I ask, looking back at Lucy. “I would never,” I say, shaking my head.

She pulls at my hand until I let go and steps up close to my face. “Atlas! You took him, and he was mine,” she screams.

“You’re married,” I say. I don’t understand what she is talking about right now.

“I wanted him first.” Lucy’s bottom lip puckers out, and just when I am about to say something, the wind gets knocked out of me, and I get pushed backward until I land on the ground.

Looking up, I see Benji with his chin high, and his breathing heavy. He flexes his fingers, then they form tight fists. “You fucking bitch,” he says, stepping up closer while I’m still on the ground. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Benji kicks me, and this time I know I don’t deserve that. No fucking way, even after punching him in the balls.

“Oh no, you didn’t,” I hear Tina screaming. “I’m calling the cops.” She has her phone to her ear.

Benji pauses as Lucy steps up and touches his shoulder, calming him down. Once she thinks he’s calm enough, she looks down at me. “You deserved that, Thea. You don’t get to have everything with a flutter of your lashes. This man, you can’t have.” She leans up and kisses his cheek, and I watch as his body visibly relaxes at her touch.

Tina drops down next to me, her hands touching me to make sure I am all right before she looks up at Lucy. “I would fucking hate to be related to you, you selfish cunt,” Tina says.

Lucy wrinkles her nose and turns, pulling Benji away with her

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