Heartbreak Me by T.L. Smith Page 0,15

I place my water down and go to where I saw Atlas leave.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I look back, and the stranger smiles. “Name’s Benji, sweetheart.” I don’t give him my name. Instead, I simply offer a small smile before I continue to follow Atlas.

As I reach the door I saw him walk out of, I push it just a fraction and freeze as I hear sounds, very familiar sounds.

Grunts and groans of pleasure.

Pushing the door just a little bit farther, I see him, his back against the wall with that woman down on her knees as she strokes his cock with her hand, her red lips wrapped around the top.

I should walk away.

I should back away slowly, so he doesn’t know what I’ve just seen, but as I look up, I see him smirking as if he knew I would follow.

My eyes go wide as the girl tries to take more of him in her mouth, but she can’t because he’s so big.

My eyes flick back up to him, and his hand is now in her hair, gripping it as he shows her exactly what to do—what he likes.

As he closes his eyes, enjoying the moment, I back away, letting the door close.

And I wonder if I run, will he catch me?

Chapter Eight


I get off when people think they can fuck with me, that they can have what’s mine, and try to take it from my greedy hands.

That, of course, is impossible and will never happen.

Once I lay claim to something, I do not let it go. It’s why I have not taken a woman longer than a few nights. I would swallow a woman whole, and she wouldn’t be able to escape me. That’s what type of love mine would be—all-encompassing—and I know this, so I stay away.

The girl between my legs comes up for air, licks her pink lips, and tries to lift my shirt.

That is not going to happen.

Pushing her hands away, I tuck myself back into my pants and straighten my suit.

She gets off her knees and pulls her dress down. “You don’t want to fuck? We could go back to yours and do what you want… all night,” she sing-songs the last two words.

“No. Go back to Harry and tell him your services have been fulfilled.”

Her face drops, and she looks down at the floor.

“It’s not like that,” she says.

“It is. And sweetheart? You can do better.” I give her my card and walk out the door, the same one Theadora slipped out of. She’s easy to spot, standing out like a rose in the middle of thorns. In her hand is a glass of water, and I want to smile that she listened to me.

“My man.” Someone taps on my back.

I turn to see Benji and shrug him off, to which he offers me a smile.

“She’s a looker, that one. You pick her?” His eyes find Theadora and then switch back to me. “What am I saying… of course you did. You would have had her under watch for at least a few weeks.” He pins me with his eyes. “Or shorter maybe, considering how controlling of her you are already.”

“She’s a pawn in a game. Nothing more.”

“I’m sure she is. So you wouldn’t mind if I went over there and introduced myself, would you?” Benji straightens his tie and smirks.

“Do as you please,” I say through gritted teeth, looking away from her.

Benji eyes me before he nods. “Okay then,” he states before he takes off in Theadora’s direction. She offers him a smile when he sits next to her, and I watch while Benji talks to her. She doesn’t speak back, only nods and looks around the room.

“Do you want me to break that up?” Garry asks, standing beside me, nodding toward Benji.

“No. Let’s see how loyal she is in helping her sister.”

“She can’t do her job from over there,” he says, pointing out the obvious.

I turn to him.

He looks down. “Sorry, sir.” And he backs away.

“You told my gift she can do better?” Harry questions me while shaking his head. Normal people would be afraid of Harry. Lucky for me, I am not normal.

I was raised by one of the most ruthless men, who made no excuses for his actions, and if you stepped out of line you were beaten into submission.

My father was a criminal in almost every aspect. My mother ran away when I was a year old, and I have no memory of her.

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