The Heart of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,10

Sully’s financial situation as a possible leverage opportunity.

“Yes, they’re enormous,” he nodded, “but let’s not talk about that now. Tell me more about this resort you’re building.”

“Here we are.” The waiter arrived, setting the plates before each person. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No, I think we’re good,” Lucas responded, gazing at each person around the table.

“Then I’ll be back to check on you in a bit,” the waiter said and stepped to another table.

Lucas regained Sully’s attention and proceeded to explain the concept and the plan, describing all of the luxurious amenities in animated detail, complete with hand gestures.

Lucas watched Maggie out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, hoping to draw her in. Fiona stepped in to add details, too, when Lucas appeared to be searching for the words.

“That sounds like a spectacular resort, Lucas. Sounds like a place I could take Carolyn to get away once in a while. How much are the condos going for?”

“Depending on the size, from two hundred to five hundred thousand,” Lucas replied, watching Sully’s expression.

“Geez,” Sully grimaced, “that’s kind of steep for my blood.”

“If you really want one, we could work something out, you being Maggie’s brother and all. Why don’t we talk about it privately sometime?” Lucas began to salivate, everything was coming together as planned. This was the connection on which their entire project would hinge.

“I’d like that,” Sully said. “Why don’t you come by my office Monday afternoon and we’ll talk.”

Yes! Lucas was reeling in the big fish and loving it. He shot a quick glance over at Fiona, who flickered a momentary grin. “Certainly, Mayor. I’d love to stop by.”


First thing Monday morning, Lucas was on the phone to Mayor Sully Sullivan, setting up a time to meet later that afternoon. He collected his spreadsheets and renderings, ready to impress and hook the mayor to help him persuade the prosperous people of Paradise Valley to invest in the new ski and golf resort.

Showing up a few minutes early for his appointment, Lucas took the opportunity to introduce himself around the city offices and ingratiate himself with the employees. He knew his charm was sizeable and often irresistible. It was one of his many talents that helped him accomplish the things he did.

“The mayor is ready for you, Mr. Wakefield,” Sully’s frumpy, middle-aged assistant announced with a friendly smile. “Please, follow me.” She led him down a hallway, knocked lightly, and opened the door to the office.

“It was such a pleasure meeting you,” Lucas said, giving her hand a light squeeze, before walking into the Mayor’s office.

“Lucas, it’s good to see you again.” Sully stepped from behind his desk, buttoned his suit jacket, and extended his hand to Lucas as he entered. Sully had blonde hair, like his sister, but without the salon highlights. His blue eyes were warm and welcoming. “Have a seat, please,” he said, gesturing toward the two leather club chairs that sat across from his desk.

“I’d rather stand, Mr. Mayor,” Lucas said, holding out the renderings.

“Oh, yes, of course. Why don’t you spread those out on the conference table over here?”

Lucas followed his directions, spreading the artwork out on the table and made a sweeping motion toward them. “Have a look. I think you’ll like what you see.”

Sully hunched over and looked down at each drawing, placing his hands on the edge of the table. “You’ve done a superb job, Lucas. People around here will be lining up to get in on this project.” He looked up at Lucas with a big smile, showing his excitement for what this would mean for Paradise Valley’s economy as well.

“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” Lucas grinned widely. “What about you, Mayor? Would you be interested in one of these condos?”

“Oh, please, call me Sully. And as for the condos…I would, if it wasn’t for the huge mountain of medical bills I have.”

Sully’s excitement dulled.

“I’d love to do that for my wife, but I don’t see how right now.”

Lucas laid his hand on Sully’s shoulder and looked him in the eye with absolute sincerity. “I tell you what, Sully, since you’re Maggie’s brother, you’re like family.”

Sully chuckled.

It was a bit of a leap. After all, Maggie and Lucas had not been dating that long. Still, Lucas would work the angle.

“I’d be happy to work a special deal with you,” Lucas offered. Turning back to the table, he opened his briefcase and pulled out his spreadsheets.

“What kind of special deal?”

Lucas stopped and Copyright 2016 - 2024