Heart of Flames - Nicki Pau Preto Page 0,97

wrong side.

There is a Stellan saying that states “The dryer the earth, the deeper the roots,” which suggests that the poorer the conditions, the harder one must fight for survival—and the stronger one becomes because of it. It is an interesting metaphor for the Stellans, who had to fight hard, constantly, for what little resources there were to be had. As a result, they are a hardy—and often misunderstood—people.

Of the so-called lesser kingdoms that existed in the era before the Golden Empire, one of the more famous is that of Rolland. It was led by Rol the Unruly—who would later earn the rather biased nickname Rol the Betrayer—whose kingdom was in the northwest of modern Stel, along the border with Ferro. Most of Rol’s lands were in the arid desert and rocky land now called the Shadow Plains, stationed directly next to the Spine.

Unable to feed his people, King Rol sought to expand but had nowhere to go. To the south was the powerful kingdom of Qorlland, and to the east was the smaller, less powerful kingdom of Lunland. Rather than waste resources trying to overtake King Lun, King Rol forged an alliance with him and set his sights on Ferro, which was rich in land, minerals, and other much-needed resources. King Rol’s efforts to peacefully take lands from the Ferronese king Damian were brutally rebuffed, and so open war soon broke out between them.

In the deciding battle, King Rol fought bravely and was on the cusp of victory when the tide was turned in favor of King Damian. King Rol had defeated him fairly, but before he could claim the Ferronese king’s life—as was his right—the Pyraean queen, Elysia, and her sisters unjustly intervened, murdering Rol in cold blood and forever marring the great king’s legacy.

—“Stellan Kings: A Noble History,” by the Stellan Historical Preservation Alliance, published 58 AE

While Avalkyra collapsed the economy and toppled the foundations of the empire, I worked tirelessly to correct its course. When Avalkyra burned fields of crops or poisoned granaries, I emptied my coffers to replenish our stores and resow every field, but still it was not enough.


NEARLY A WEEK AFTER the failed trials, the commander summoned Tristan’s patrol into his meeting room—Veronyka included. He gave the official word that Veronyka had not passed and would therefore not be elevated to Master Rider.

This surprised no one, but the news he delivered afterward did.

“We have received intelligence from an agent in place in the empire,” he began, and Veronyka knew he was referring to Sev, their soldier-spy. “And it appears that Lord Rolan’s soldiers will soon march. Since they are stationed along the border with Ferro, Fallon will run point from Prosperity. From there he and his patrol can watch the western front and keep an eye on the soldiers’ movements. If there is an attack, we should be able to see it coming and engage in counter-maneuvers.”

Counter-maneuvers? That seemed like a strange way to say “fighting back.” Then again, maybe he had different strategies in mind… sabotage, ambushes, and other forms of guerrilla warfare.

The commander’s gaze flicked around the room, settling on each of them in turn before lingering on Tristan. “Your patrol, on the other hand, will return to Vayle. I have reviewed your report, and I am approving the requested repairs to the bridge. You will supervise and aid in the rebuild, as well as patrol the region as our eastern front.”

Veronyka watched Tristan for his reaction. He tilted his head, considering. With the soldiers massing in the west, they’d be tucked out of sight, away from the action. Still, it was better than remaining at the Eyrie, even farther away.

“I know it is not the mission you were hoping for,” the commander continued, “but it is an important one. You’ll be the face of our operation in the east to reassure the locals that we have everything in hand.”

Tristan’s patrol murmured and nodded their heads, but the commander wasn’t done.

“There’s something else as well.”

His tone made Veronyka pause. He’d delivered their orders with his usual calm, efficient demeanor, but now he seemed almost… hesitant.

“Phoenix Riders have been spotted in the south…. Riders who are not a part of our flock.”

Veronyka’s heart lurched inside her chest—first with excitement, but then with something like dread. The commander’s expression wasn’t one of interest or cautious hope. While the group looked at one another, eyes wide and mouths open, Tristan fixed his father with a perceptive look.

“Who are they?” Tristan

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