Heart of Flames - Nicki Pau Preto Page 0,220

Sev lurched away from her sudden, vicious swipe. As he scrambled backward, his hand landed on her abandoned bow. He swung it around as hard as he could, knocking the knife from her grasp.

Sev’s head was still fuzzy from the punch, but he tried to clear his thoughts, to think. There was no way he could defeat a skilled warrior nearly twice his age. He had to find a way to trick her, to trap or confuse her. There had to be something….

Behind them, Veronyka’s phoenix let out a fierce screech, claws scraping and beak snapping at the bars. The other phoenix released a shriek in response, and her Rider stared, a frown on her face, before her head lifted toward the sky.

Sev followed her gaze, his heart jumping wildly.

Five phoenixes were streaking through the sky, their fiery feathers catching the last summer sunlight, glinting orange and gold with flashes of vivid purple. They flew high above Sev’s small scuffle and toward the tower looming to the south, partially obscured by trees.

Sev wasn’t sure, but he thought he caught Commander Cassian’s austere profile among them. Relief flooded his body—he was not alone.

Speaking of not alone, the Phoenix Rider who stood before him recovered from the distraction sooner than Sev. When he lowered his gaze from the sky, it was to find that she had retrieved her knife, and currently had it pointed at Sev’s throat.

He raised his hands, realizing belatedly that he must have dropped her bow… and it had been picked up by Kade. Out of nowhere he appeared, looming behind her. Before she could react, he lowered the bow over her throat, pulling tight and causing the taut string to press against her windpipe.

“Drop it,” Kade ordered. Her face was growing red, her veins bulging as she struggled, and with a last, murderous look, she threw the blade into the dirt.

Kade lifted the bow and shoved her forward. Sev didn’t know why Kade had relinquished his hold, but it didn’t matter.

She gasped and staggered away, only to put two fingers into her mouth and whistle.

Her phoenix leapt forward at once, finally abandoning her position in front of the cave that held Veronyka’s bondmate.

The phoenix darted toward them, and before Sev could do more than gape, the Rider had timed a perfect leap onto her back. Together they soared up into the sky and made straight for the tower.

“Let’s go,” Kade said, tugging Sev’s arm and making for the barred cave. Sev shook the last dregs of dizziness from his head and followed.

He was anxious at being so close to a phoenix—particularly an angry, caged one—and was glad to have Kade’s animage abilities close at hand.

Inside, sparks and fire danced. The bars were actually warm to the touch, and Sev cowered from the angry firebird. Kade tried to withstand the heat, but he too was backing away before long.

“Please,” Sev called out, after reaching for the bars again, only to have a burst of heat and flame force him to stagger back. “I’m a friend. We’re here to free you.” The phoenix stopped flapping her wings and tilted her head. Sev took this as a good sign and hastened to continue. “We met before,” he added, wondering if there was any chance the phoenix would remember. “Outside your cabin, on Pyrmont. Soldiers were there, and we helped you and Veronyka hide in the bushes.”

After a half-hearted head toss—more out of confusion than anger, Sev guessed—the phoenix backed into the dark corner of the cave, leaving them in peace.

Sev released a breath, his fear and residual adrenaline from the fight ebbing away.

The lock was large and heavy but featured a simple mechanism that he’d be able to pick. He dug into his pocket for the buckle prongs and got to work.

Time ticked by agonizingly slowly, and though it felt like hours, it was minutes later when the lock clicked and Sev unhooked it from the latch. The bars were heavy, and Kade helped to lift them, despite how Sev protested. They had barely gone up halfway when the phoenix burst forward from the cave’s dark depths, soaring into the sky and following the path the other Riders had taken toward the tower.

Sev tossed aside the lock and pocketed his makeshift picks. After he and Kade shared a tired look, they followed.

Hold fast to your heart, my daughter.

Blood can lead you astray, but your

heart will always beat true.



Veronyka’s heart sparked at the words, her entire body

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