Heart of the Demon - By Cynthia Garner Page 0,18

uniform for the waitstaff. Aroused customers tended to drink more, though it took skill to keep them sober enough so they stayed aroused and kept spending money.

And Sinead, the pixie standing in front of him, possessed mad skills. She also had ties to the rogue group, or so he’d been told, so she was on the top of his list of people to talk to. She flicked pink-streaked blond bangs out of her eyes and gave him a lusty stare. “What’s your pleasure, Finn?” she asked in a sultry, husky voice.

He had to keep up his bad-boy rep, so he slung an arm around her waist and pulled her near, not close enough to scare her, but enough to be friendly. “I’ll take a beer, sweetheart. And some company, if you’ve got the time.”

“I have the time.” She glanced around the nearly empty club with a grimace. “And I’m due a break, anyway. I’ll be right back.”

He watched her saunter away, her hips swaying with a promise he wouldn’t take her up on. Though it would be a different story if she had long, red hair…he pushed that thought away. He was here to get Sinead to open up to him about the rogue group, not finagle a free lap dance. For him to succeed, she had to think he would follow through on the temptation she presented with lots of cash. Actually, either way he’d probably have to give her money, but if it got him closer to his goal, he’d consider any outlay of cash a wise investment in his future.

He watched the pole dancers with as much enthusiasm as that which they performed. The music coming over the sound system sounded like something from a low-budget seventies porn film. The women’s apathetic performance was as painful to hear as it was to watch.

After a few minutes Sinead was back, a bottle of beer in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. She gave him the beer and sat down in the chair next to him. After taking a sip of wine, she placed the glass on the table and crossed one slender leg over the other. She idly swung her leg, the tip of her red stiletto coming close to his calf with each upswing. “So, you’re not here on business, I take it?” she asked. She gestured toward the three other patrons. “You barely even looked at them. I’m guessing you’re not on somebody’s trail.”

“I’m taking a break from work,” he murmured. He watched her slim fingers slide up and down the stem of the wineglass. Knowing he needed to feign interest in what other long thing she could move her fingers over, he let a hint of lust show in his expression. He rolled his shoulders and met her eyes. “Today’s all about fun.”

“Good for you. You know what they say about all work and no play.” She smiled and kept toying with the glass.

“Mmm. And I think you know I’m not a dull boy.”

She snickered. “Not by a long shot.”

He stretched an arm along the back of her chair. “What keeps you here, Sinead?” He met her bright blue gaze. “You could do so much better.”

“Are you asking ‘What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?’” She lifted delicately arched brows. From the look on her face he guessed she was mildly amused at his tactics.

“I guess so.” He gave a one-shouldered shrug. He wasn’t here to piss her off. He was here to butter her up and get information. It always helped when he could tell the truth when he flattered someone. He said, “You’re smart enough to do more. You have a degree. Why are you still here?”

Surprise lightened her eyes. “Well, thank you. Most guys don’t look past my assets.” Sitting up straighter, she preened a little, showing off those assets while pink pleasure spread over her cheeks. She looked around the club and a tinge of sadness stole some of the pleasure away. “Arnie’s worked so hard on this place, and I’ve been with him from the start. This job is the reason I was able to put myself through school and earn my B.A. It wouldn’t be right for me to abandon him now.”

Knowing the owner as he did, Finn was surprised the joint had stayed open as long as it had. The Oneiroi clan of demons was better known for causing night terrors, not for being astute businessmen. And in his

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