Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,90

he was smiling and I don't think I did anything wrong… although he did catch me and stop me from falling, which was nice. He didn't seem as if it was a nuisance… gosh, he’s very handsome.” At this my eyes grew wide as there was just too much of all that to take in.

“Okay, first off, don’t insult yourself like that as I doubt anyone other than your bitch of a mother would say those things.” At this she giggled because I swore, which she never did as I think ‘piss pot’ was her limit on that one. Then I asked,

“Now back up a bit, are you talking about Trice?”

“Oh gosh, even his name is lovely,” she said in a dreamy way that had me grinning.

“Okay, Vena, focus for just a second here, are you talking about the tall one, big guy, very red hair, cute face but also scary as Hell, also half naked…” At this she chuckled again and waved her hand telling me no, it wasn’t Gryph. Then she said in that dreamy voice again,

“No, I speak of the most handsome man I have ever seen, the one that looks like he could tame a dragon with just the look…”

“Sheesh, you have no idea,” I muttered under my breath before she continued with her musings,

“I also wonder where he got that scar from, most likely fighting in some honourable duel.” At this I nearly burst out laughing, but thankfully cleared my throat to mask it, as knowing Trice and his brothers it could have been from some drunken bar fight. However, I didn’t say this but instead asked her somewhat more clearly now,

“So you fell, and Trice caught you, and then he called you a Bonny Lass… is that what happened?”

“Well, his exact words were…” she paused for a moment as if straightening up and making sure that she got his exact words right before she said them. For this was obviously a very important part of the whole exchange.

“Och… actually I'm not sure I'm saying that particular word right as I've never heard it before.” Again I had to stop myself from laughing as she tried to mimic his accent.

“Okay, just leave that word out, what came next?” I asked again trying not to openly smirk so she wouldn't take it the wrong way and be offended. Then she said, trying again to mimic his accent and doing so slowly,

“He said… ‘you mist be careful nae tae fall 'n' hurt yersel' fur a bonnie lass lik' ye needs tae tak' care’. Yes, I think that was it, but some words were strange. However, I think I got the gist of it.” After this she quickly went on to tell me,

“He said this with his arms around me… he was very strong… then he set me back on my feet and nodded his head a little before grinning down at me and giving me… you know, the look we spoke of,” she said, winking as if ‘the look’ was some secret of ours, which was sweet.

“Wow, that was quite an exchange,” I admitted seeing now why this would totally have an impact on her.

“Oh it was! And he had such a handsome grin and one at me no less! But then he left and now I need to know what Bonnie lass means because I didn't understand that bit and fear I might have gotten this whole exchange wrong and misinterpreted the look,” she said with a slant of her head when saying these last two words. This was when my grin got even bigger and I told her without being able to keep the excitement from my tone,

“Okay, so are you ready.” At this she smiled, smoothed down her dress and said,

“Yes, I am ready, hit me.” I smirked not wanting to spoil the moment and say, it was really ‘hit me with it’ and instead left it for the good bit,

“Bonnie lass means pretty girl.” At this her eyes widened, and she deflated onto the bed and said with a sigh,

“Oh, gosh.”

“Yep.” Then her eyes found mine and she said louder this time,

“Oh, gosh!”

“Yep,” I said again before all the trouble really began as she grabbed my hand and said in an endearing way,

“I think I now know what it feels like to be in love.” At this I had no other reaction to give but to pull her to me and hug her for what she had just said was probably one of

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