Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,83

was added to when Trice also helped put me out of my misery when he said,

“She is well 'n' unharmed, althoo she wis complaining aboot bein' hungry 'n' tired.” On hearing this and knowing that she was safe, I relaxed because at least I knew that the King wouldn’t do anything to what was his only leverage in getting what he wanted. Of course, now all I had to hope for was that she didn’t do something stupid and reckless like trying to escape. Because in truth there was only so many times Amelia could get lucky with the rash decisions she made. Some of which I had to concede had paid off in the past. However, she was in a world she had no clue about and from what I had heard of the Kings of Fae, then they were unfortunately far from being weak creatures… my hard ass commander was proof of that!

But then my brief moment of relief was cruelly stolen from me when Trice added to his previous statement,

“Althoo I confess, I dinnae care fur th' wey th' King looked at her.”

“Nae why did ye hae tae go 'n' say that, ye just coudnae leave it well enough alone, cuid yer.” I ignored his brother’s frustrated response and instead focused my attention back on Trice.

“Come again?” I said with my dangerous tone firmly back in place and my demon on edge once more.

“And how wid ye view it brother, bein' forced tae ride on th' back o' a dragon, in th' arms o' a King, 'n' then tae be collared by th' hand o’ a shifter dragon as we wur forced tae do nothing fur fear o' him snapping her neck!” Trice said and I… lost… my… shit!

“Oh laddie, dinnae see whit ye doing?”

In this moment I lost it to Hell’s fury after hearing every Scottish coated word that had been being said. This ended with me roaring loud enough to crack the walls, making them shake at the same time I hammered my fists down in the centre of the desk. A solid stone slab that cracked and fell was one that had not long ago replaced the desk before it.

“HE DID WHAT!?” I bellowed in undiluted rage.

It was in this moment that Gryph decided to take over, pushing his brother aside as if knowing what he was doing was trying to get a demonic rise out of me, because as much as him being here had offered me news that Amelia was safe, he purposely did so in a way that he knew would infuriate me. This was his own little slice of revenge… fucker!

The largest of the McBain brothers stepped up to me and gained my attention,

“Sire, whit my brother fails tae tell ye, is that th' wee lass, dinnae lik' bein' put in this position at all 'n' soon had th' bastards ballocks in her hand afore squeezing thaim hard enough he may ne'er be able tae faither wee bairn.”

“And the outcome of this?!” I bit out.

“Meaning he let her go fur fear she wid rip th' fuckers aff. After she slid aff his lap 'n' told him thare wis only one man's lap that she wid ever sit on 'n' that wis yers. Then she told us tae shut th' bugger up 'n' starting th' negotiations. Ye shuid nae be angry, ye shuid be fuckin' proud.” After the shifter’s account, there was a collective sigh of relief from everyone in the room but Trice. Who was now smirking, and I was itching to punch that grin right off his face. However, I had more important things to do in that moment and all of them included getting back my girl. And if what Gryph had said was true, then he was right, I was fucking proud!

“You two, I want you both to go ahead of us and get back to my girl. Carn’reau, ready a regiment of your army, something tells me we may need it, for I do not wish to go there unprepared. I will not have this exchange go fucking wrong… because once I have my girl safe, you are free to do as you please.” My commander nodded and moved to walk out the room when I stopped him with another word of warning,

“And be prepared, Carn’reau, for if I find out your brother has touched what is mine or harmed her in anyway, you will be the one to lose a brother this day, not I.”

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