Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,28

hands cutting across in front of them before pulling back as if they were taking the part of the portal with them. This in turn made the opening bigger, as they took back the symbol they had drawn, now creating that same tear in the space ahead like before. One that obviously lead back to the Kingdom from where they had first appeared.

Once this was open, the captain stood side on and held out an arm in a gesture that told us to proceed him, no doubt making sure we weren’t going to try and make a run for it. It was the reason I looked back at the three shifters I had come to call my friends and saw now the uneasy looks they gave me in return. This was when Trice shook his head and told me not to do it, when I just shrugged my shoulders and told them,

“I don't see any other options here, lads.” Then before any of them could stop me I ran at the portal, holding my breath as I did and hearing Trice’s roar of anger in response. But what was done was done and I was only thankful that this time, it was as easy as stepping through an open door. In other words, entering this new world was far easier than ever before and admittedly, I had been through quite a few portals. Not enough to write a book on the subject or anything, but I wouldn’t have called myself a novice either. Although, at this rate, then a book titled, ‘How to survive Hell and beyond’ was starting to look like a very possible business venture in my future, especially seeing as I wasn’t even sure I had a job to go back to when this was all over.

I looked behind me when I heard Trice’s frustrated groan from the other side, before he said to his brothers,

“Let's git this shit done.” This was because what I had said had been the truth, we didn't have any other options, as we simply didn't know where we were, or how to get back to Lucius' realm. Besides, we were outnumbered by a lot more than just a band of raiders who had simply been out for a payday. No, these were skilled fighters, who were well armed and even better equipped to withstand three shifters that had clearly run out of juice. That had exhausted their power to shift, which left three hard as nails fighters and a human girl who could mainly kick human ass. Now, as for the ass of the Fae, then as far as I had read, they may have been pretty, but they were also known as hard motherfuckers. Although, to give the brothers their due, they had been no match when facing giant spiders and weird tree pod people, so what the Hell did I know.

Besides, I was curious to know what this King knew, as from the sounds of what the captain had said, it may be possible that we had a common enemy. And that age old saying ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ had never been truer than at this point in time.

“Ye ur one big pain in mah ass, lass,” Trice said the moment he'd stepped through and stopped next to me. I looked up at him and gave him a wink, telling him,

“I love you too… erm, you know, as a friend and all,” I added quickly when I realised my mistake, but the huge grin on his face told me that the last part definitely didn't mean as much to him as the first.

“Gosh, upon my word, would you look at that,” Vern said as soon as he made it through, and when it was quickly followed by another gasp of shock, it was enough to gain our attention towards the direction both brothers were now looking.

“Gods’ blood, it isnae possible!” Gryph had added the second he too made it through.

“Holy mother of…”

“Dragons, yes,” the captain said behind us, before motioning with a nod of his head and saying casually,

“This way.”

“Okay, so I'm confused, did we just step into Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings?” I said, at the sight of all the Dragons that dominated the surrounding landscape. They were every shape and size and colour of scale, and they were either flying in the clear blue sky or sleeping at leisure in mounds of hay that had obviously been laid out for them. They

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