Heart Of Darkness (Transfusion Saga #10) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,107

of me biting him there. I would catch him doing this and smirking to himself as if the memory of what came after it assaulted him in a comforting way. Or maybe I was wrong, and it just turned him on. Who knows, but either way, he was clearly happy about it.

But now here stood Vena, who looked totally in awe of him and I think half of it was being terrified and the other half was, well, it was Lucius, and he was gorgeous so that definitely added to the intimidation level.

To break the ice, I put an arm around her shoulders, pulled her close and introduced her to Lucius.

“This here is Vena, the King’s sister and my new best friend, she's also an amazing artist, and was kind enough to look after me and bring me nice clothes. She's also been wonderful company, listening during the endless hours I was pining over you, clearly.” At this Lucius' lips tipped up on one side and again it was as if he was trying to fight the grin.

“Vena, this here is my soulmate, Chosen One, Vampy, sometimes Fangy, Honey Pot, Boyfriend, who sometimes likes to call me, his eternal life’s partner… isn't that right, snookums?” I said making her choke on her shocked reaction, meanwhile Lucius was desperately trying not to give in to the urge of laughter and instead raised a brow at me, as if trying to be stern but failing miserably. This was because it was hard to look stern and be amused at the same time. Then he held out his bare hand, for his other was of course gloved, and said,

“I'm pleased to meet you, Vena, and thank you for taking care of my girl and keeping her company.” At this point I thought Vena was going to swoon, but she grabbed his hand and shook his fingers before doing as she was taught to do around royalty, she grabbed the hem of her dress and curtseyed. Then she cocked her head to one side to tell me silently it was time to follow her. This was when I discovered the real problem with Vena… she couldn't talk to men! In fact, I wouldn't have been surprised if the only male she had ever spoken to was her own brother. I could tell this the moment she tried to say something but got tongue tied and gave up even trying.

It was only when we were following her that Lucius enquired,

“When you say she kept you company, you didn’t just spend all that time talking at her, did you?” I groaned before smacking his arm and saying,

“No!” But this ended up with me feeling his large muscle, making him raise a brow and say in a cocky tone,

“Found something you like there, sweet cheeks?”

“Mmm, maybe… depends what it’s used for,” I said waggling my eyebrows and making him grin, whilst shaking his head before muttering,

“I have created a monster.”

Moments later we found ourselves being led into the King’s office, only this time, it was clear Lucius had something to prove… a little something called ownership. I knew this when he draped his arm around my shoulders and tucked me as close to his side as he could get me. I think, had it not looked weird, he would have had me with my legs spread around his hips and clinging on to his neck as if I was some pet monkey of his.

I gave his sister a wink in a silent goodbye, making her give me a little wave of her fingers in return. As she was walking out of the door, I noticed that Trice and his brothers had arrived ready to stand guard.

Vena froze to the spot at the sight of him and when Trice saw her, he nodded his head as way of hello, but not knowing what else to do, she curtsied to him as well and then spun the other way and began walking. I grimaced the second she bumped into a vase on a table, and just before I could hear the smash, I could just see Trice coming to her aid as the door was closing, making me arch my neck to try and watch.

“Amelia.” Lucius said my name to grab my attention, as if not liking the fact that I had been spying, no doubt because he thought that I had been looking at Trice, who admittedly, was still a sore subject for him. But he hadn't known

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