Heart Beats (Joker's Sin #3) - Davidson King Page 0,9

was leaning against a pillar, typing a text with his thumb. He smiled, and his red eyebrows darted to his hairline. He was so expressive and yet still such a mystery.

“All checked out?” I asked when I approached him.

“Yeah, you?” I nodded. “Great, lead the way, and let’s get out of here.”

The walk wasn’t too bad and when we were situated—Shane in the passenger seat and me driving—we made our way out.

“I never thought I’d say this, but it’ll be good to go home.” Shane sounded tired, and there was a hint of surprise in his proclamation.

I hummed in response. I understood why it was hard to say that. Haven Hart wasn’t known for its white-picket-fence dreams. You really didn’t raise a family there unless you had the protection of some serious big names. It was a dangerous place filled with dangerous people. Sure, many came for the nightlife and whatnot, but most that gyrated on the dance floor at Joker’s Sin drove a good hour or so home afterward or stayed in a hotel and headed home the next day.

The strange thing about Haven Hart was the fact that you always wanted to leave but never did. It sucked you in with its dark promises and tantalizing dreams. You’d blink and years had passed. I used to joke that Haven Hart was created by the Lotus-Eaters from Greek mythology.

“I never thought I’d say this, but I agree with you.” We chuckled and settled in for the drive. It would take a few hours to get back, and Shane happily trusted me with the music.

As we got closer to my place, I wondered what Shane would think of it. And I wondered why I cared so much.

Chapter Five


I had never been to Ledger’s place before. He had come to mine to help when I moved in, but I’d never had a reason to see where he lived. I was both excited and nervous. The car ride was quiet, and I thought we’d talk some, but he had the music on, and it was loud. One thing I knew not to do was touch a DJ’s music. When I saw the Welcome to Haven Hart sign, I felt the butterflies in my belly go crazy. I didn’t know how Ledger would act with me in his space and wondered if he would actually hold a conversation with me.

When he pulled up to what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse, I looked over at him. He had a smirk on his face, as if others had reacted the same way upon seeing where he lived.

“You live here?” I pointed to the large place.

He lowered the music. “Yeah, bought it about three years ago, been renovating it.” He hit a button, and a section lifted, and he parked his car. “It has three floors; I live on the top one, and I was thinking of making the bottom floor a place to party or whatever.”

We got out and he popped the trunk. “What about the second floor?” I asked.

“I dunno, the top floor is huge, I don’t need to live on the second floor. Maybe I’ll make it a spare place in case someone visits. I’ve had a few ideas, but I’ll need time to really work it out. Buy some furniture. Right now it’s just vacant space.” He shrugged and lifted a box out. I followed suit.

“I can’t imagine what a place like this cost.” I scanned all over the garage and followed him to a large door.

“Not as much as you might think. It used to be owned by Christopher Manos, but he didn’t need it anymore, and Atlas sort of knew one of his friends. I was looking for a place, and it was a steal.”

Christopher Manos was a huge mob boss in Haven Hart. Everyone knew who he was, and everyone knew he was untouchable.

“Wow,” I said in wonder as I entered his place. He hit a switch, and lights turned on. The bottom floor was empty, clean, without a single stitch of furniture or decoration.

“Elevator’s this way.”

“What about the second floor being a place you could mix or something?” I asked as we stepped onto the elevator.

“Top floor is so big, I can do that there too.”

The doors opened and I was about to say something when I heard a roar. I jolted, hitting my back against the elevator wall.

Ledger started laughing. “I forgot to tell you about Lion.”

My eyes widened. “You have a fucking lion?”

Ledger was laughing

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