The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,99

lives, Dimitri.”

“Fuck, baby, you’ve gone and done it.”

“What’s that?” she whispered.

“You’ve ruined me for every other woman on the planet. If you leave me, I’ll never survive.”

“I’ll never leave you, D. Besides, no one else would put up with you and your crazy, finicky stomach.”

“Dimitri, do you want to say your vows now?” Elvis asked, snickering.

Fucker needed to stop laughing.

“I remember the first day I saw you in the library. You had on this green shirt that was way too big on you and jean capris. Your hair was in some kind of braid, and you were so busy looking at books, you didn’t notice me come up behind you. I didn’t understand then what pulled my feet to you. Hell, I didn’t understand it until I thought you might die and it hit me all at once. Souls recognize each other. You’re my other half, and while my eighteen-year-old self didn’t realize it, I understood you were important. It’s why I bugged you every day. It’s why I had to talk to you first thing every morning and every night before I went to bed. For ten years, we did that dance. We’re not done dancing baby, but our souls aren’t reaching out trying to connect anymore. We’re whole again. I love you, Rebecca Joyce Rhodes, and I promise to love you, to protect you, to cherish you, and to try not to be such a Neanderthal every single day for the rest of our lives.”

He ignored the minister and swept his mouth over hers in the gentlest kiss he’d ever bestowed upon any woman.

“I love you, Krasivaya. Thank you for marrying me and giving me the most precious gift in the world. Not only your heart, but the gift of our daughter.”

“A girl?” she whispered, desperately trying not to bawl.

“Yes, it’s a girl with her mommy’s beautiful brown eyes. I made up my mind last night. She’s going to be a daddy’s girl, and you can teach her how to kick the little shits right in the balls when they mess with her.”


They all heard his mother’s shout.

“Sorry, Mama.”

The minister laughed. “We’ve heard worse. Now, Dimitri, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to…”

“I do,” he interrupted the preacher. “Becca, do you take me as your husband?”

“I do.”

Dimitri stared pointedly at Elvis, who laughed harder, but he took the hint.

“I know pronounce you both husbands and wives. You may kiss your brides.”

“Finally,” Becca muttered and melted against him when his lips crashed onto hers. He kissed her until she had no air left.

“I love you, Krasivaya.”

“I love you too, Dimitri.”

They turned to face the family, and Becca gasped. She ripped herself away from Dimitri and ran straight at Mason.

He was holding up a tablet with a man sitting in a chair, the biggest grin on his face Dimitri had ever seen. He was also the spitting image of his wife.

Jackson Rhodes.

At least they’d given him clothes to wear instead of an orange jumpsuit.

“Hey, little bird.”

“I can’t believe it.” Becca brushed tears away. “How…”

“You can thank Conner. I’m not sure what he did, but I got to watch the whole ceremony. I’m so proud of you, little bird.”

Tears streamed down her face. She hadn’t seen her brother in almost three years. Her finger traced the outline of his face. She missed him so much.

“Hey, now, no tears. Old ladies don’t cry. They take names and kick ass.”

“I just miss you so much.”

“I know, Becca. I miss you too. I love you, little bird. You take care of my nephew until I can get to you. I’m getting out in a few months. Good behavior.”


He nodded. “Didn’t want to say anything until I was sure it was a done deal, but I’ll see you soon, little bird. Congratulations.” His eyes shifted behind her, and his face hardened. She knew it was Dimitri.

“You hurt her or my nephew, and you’re dead.”

“Niece,” Dimitri corrected him. “And I won’t. I’ve never hurt her once in almost eleven years. I’ll take care of her and our daughter. I swear it.”

“You better, fucker, because I know how to hide the body.”

Dimitri understood the threat, and he also understood it wasn’t an idle one. This man would carry through on his promise.

“Jackson,” Becca frowned, “it’s my wedding day. No threatening my husband.”

Jack laughed. “I have to go, little bird. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The video cut off, and she burst into tears.

Dimitri looked over at Mason, alarmed as Copyright 2016 - 2024