The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,77

I’m sorry, but I’m not. Dimitri and I have been friends since high school. I’m the only woman he talks to at least once a day. Every day since we met, he’s hit up my phone. Can you say that?”

The anger in her eyes bled to rage. She started to quiver, her nose flaring.

“I am sorry he treated you badly. You didn’t deserve that.”

“You’re right, I didn’t. I worked too damn hard to lose everything because of you.”

“You never had him to lose, Carlie…”

“Charlene!” Before Becca could blink, the woman had grabbed her head and smashed it against the sink. Pain exploded along her cheek and erupted behind her eye.

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? I worked for this, you little whore. I did whatever sick fucking thing he wanted me to. I took care of him. I sacrificed three months of my life catering to him. It was me who was supposed to finally land a ring on my finger, not you!”

What the hell? Becca’s head swam, but she was so mad, it didn’t matter. Years of training kicked in, and she tried to twist, to break the woman’s hold on her, but she was at a disadvantage.

Another hard slam against the sink, and Becca struggled to grasp something to hold on to, but Charlene was too fast. She jerked her up and slammed her face into the mirror so hard it shattered.

“Do you think I played the submissive whore expecting nothing in return?”

Before Charlene could slam her head again, Becca managed to grab the sink and land a solid kick backward, hitting her right between the legs. It caused just as much damage to a female as it did for a man. She could vaguely hear shouting through the door, but she ignored it.

Spitting out blood, she swung, landing a solid hit along Charlene’s jaw. The woman cursed and dropped, dodging the second blow. Becca felt a stinging pain right above her knee and looked down to see the woman had stabbed her with a nail file. A fucking nail file!

She might have laughed at her if it didn’t hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.

Becca grabbed her by the hair and dragged her over to the toilet, submerging her head for a good minute. “Bitch, you have no idea who you’re fucking with. I am the daughter of Dallas Rhodes, Sergeant at Arms of the Rebel Sinners. You do not get to fuck with me.”

Charlene kicked out, her feet connecting with Becca’s knee, and she went down. Bitch knew to take out the knees. She had to have taken at least a basic self-defense class. Becca blinked, and she was on her, her knees around her shoulders. Charlene’s fingers gripped her throat.

“He’s mine! I worked for him. You have no right to take what’s mine.”

Charlene squeezed around her throat, her knees on Becca’s arms. She felt her air slowly start to be cut off. This was so different from her panic-induced attacks, where her lungs simply stopped working. This felt like her throat was closing off and she was trying to suck enough air through a straw until even that was gone. She bucked, trying to dislodge her, but it wasn’t working.

“You can’t have him. He’s mine! Do you understand me?” Charlene screamed into Becca’s face, every inch the psycho they’d assured her she wasn’t. What the hell happened?

Her vision started to blur, and she scrambled, looking for anything to help her. She pulled her legs up, trying to slam her knees into Charlene’s back, but the angle was wrong. She did, however, feel the nail file protruding from her leg and grasped it.

Yanking it free, she gasped at the pain, but used the file to stab at Charlene as best she could. At first, the blows came nowhere near her, but as Becca grew more desperate, her concentration became deeper, and she aimed the blade right at the woman’s side, angling her own arm to jab it deep.

The pain was enough to loosen Charlene’s fingers, and Becca managed to buck her off, rolling in the tight space of the bathroom stall and grasping her by the back of the neck as she came up. She shoved her head in the toilet again and held it there, letting her up for air only after she started to choke. “Come near me again, and I promise, I will kill you. I know where to hide the body.” She slammed her head against the toilet’s basin before letting her go. “Do Copyright 2016 - 2024