The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,73

crowded. “Yes, it is. It means more than you know.”

“Anything for you, baby girl.” He hugged her back. “I don’t know what I would have done last year without you, so anything you need, just ask.”

He was referring to when his brother died. She’d talked to him for hours every day for weeks. He’d been in a bad place, and she’d done everything she could for him. Henry was a sweetheart, and she considered him a good friend.

Dimitri’s growling broke them apart. “Sorry about the Neanderthal.”

Henry glanced at him, his eyes twinkling. “He’s only doing what I would if you were mine.”

“She’s not yours, so get your fucking hands off my woman.”

“See?” Becca rolled her eyes and slipped out of Henry’s hold, knowing he was only egging Dimitri on. “I can’t take him anywhere.”


“Man.” She winked at Henry and went behind the table to start organizing the boxes so she could easily get to them. The books for sale were each in their own boxes, some titles two to a box depending on popularity. Dimitri was going to have to help keep the book rack full.

“Do you do that just to drive me nuts?” Dimitri whispered by her ear, his tongue darting out to swipe the soft skin of the lobe.

“Sure do.” She turned and nipped his bottom lip. “Now, get to work. We have to have this done in about half an hour, thanks to your not waking me up.”

Henry stuck around, helping them organize the boxes and swag. He and Dimitri struck up a hesitant conversation and were soon talking about fishing.


She didn’t understand what people saw in it. You sat there for hours, hoping some unsuspecting fish would take the bait. Hours, sometimes, without even so much as a bite. Men loved it.

She shook her head and set up the iPad so people could sign up for Dimitri’s newsletter. She’d thought about a signup sheet, but she had no desire to try to decipher people’s handwriting. This way, they could type it themselves. No stress later.

“I fired your brother.” Sara Jane’s angry comment brought all their heads snapping round. “He’s insufferable.”

“I thought you said he was hot as fuck?” Dimitri teased.

“Oh, he is, but his attitude cancels any lustful thoughts I might have had.” She looked ready to hit someone. “Seriously. That man is a control freak.”

“Yes, he is when it comes to the safety of his clients,” Dimitri agreed, “but he’s never failed at a job of protection either, and I think you both need his help.”

“He’s bossy.”

“He has to be bossy, doll.” Dimitri’s expression turned serious. “He has to keep you and your daughter safe. Sometimes that might mean telling you how to do something, when to do it, and where to do it, but he’s not doing it to be hard or a bastard. He’s doing it to protect you. Let him help you keep Delia out of her father’s crosshairs.”

“You had to go remind me why I needed help to begin with, didn’t you?” Sara Jane looked cross enough to keep any random passerby from attempting to come over to their table.

“That’s what friends are for.” He kissed her forehead. “Now, get yourself set up. I see your PA waving frantically.”

“I’ve got to get over to Heather’s table too.” Henry picked up one of Dimitri’s cards. “You ever want a model for a custom book cover, shout at me. I’ll give you a discount.”

“He’s not so bad,” Dimitri admitted as they finished stocking the book rack.

“He’s pretty awesome.”

“You know him well?”

“About as well as you do Sara Jane.”

“Point taken.” Dimitri smiled, finally giving up. The guy was cool, and he understood Becca was taken. He wouldn’t stick his nose in their friendship. “How are you? Everything okay?”

“So far.” She gestured to the wall of banners Henry built around them. “This helps.”

“You’ll tell me if it gets to be too much?”


“Promise me, Becca.”

“I promise.” She rolled her eyes.

“Why are you being so blasé about this?” Dimitri couldn’t wrap his head around the change in her. Last night, she’d been on the verge of a nervous breakdown to the point he thought about rushing her to the ER, and today she was acting like nothing was wrong or would go wrong. He was on pins and needles, himself.

“Because you’re here with me.” She smiled shyly. “That’s the difference.”

His entire being swelled with pride.

They announced the group picture, and she shooed him away, assuring him she’d be fine. Not that he trusted that. He’d seen the Copyright 2016 - 2024