The Healing Touch - Apryl Baker Page 0,70

try not to cuss around her if I can help it. She mimics everything these days.”

Dimitri watched his brother’s face carefully. He saw the instant lust flash in his eyes before he locked down his emotions and his face went blank. Oh, this could be good. Damn shame he wasn’t going to be able to watch the fireworks over the next few weeks.

“Sara, this is my brother, Viktor, owner and operator of Kincaid Security Corp.”

“Kincaid Security and Investigations,” Viktor corrected him. “We changed the name of the company when Kade signed on.”

“Sorry, I forget. It’s been KSC for so long, it’s hard to remember a new name.”

“KSC? Like KFC, the yummy chicken place?” Delia slid around Dimitri’s legs so she could get a better look at Viktor. “You make chicken?”

“No, malyshka. I take care of people who need help. I protect them.”

“From bad people like my daddy?” Her gray eyes turned serious, and Dimitri’s gut clenched at the pain bleeding out of them. So little to have gone through so much. It wasn’t right.

Viktor squatted in front of her, his expression as serious as hers. “Yes, from bad people like your daddy. I’m here to make sure he can never hurt you again.”

“You won’t let him come back?” She twisted the end of her braid. “I don’t want him to come home. He hurt me.”

“I won’t let him hurt you again, malyshka. I promise.”

She smiled shyly at Viktor. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. How about we eat before I decide to gobble up my brother?”

She laughed and followed Viktor over to the food, where he proceeded to help her pick out what she wanted.

“I…” Sara Jane cleared her throat, and Dimitri saw tears swimming in her eyes. “He’s good with her.”

“Kids usually hate him.” Dimitri found his way over to the buffet. “He looks scary as fuck, and it usually terrifies them.”

“He’s hot as fuck.” Sara Jane slapped a hand over her mouth, and Dimitri laughed. “Forget I said that.”

“Uh-huh.” Dimitri nodded and filled his plate with eggs and bacon. “This is some runny shit.”

“It’s free. What do you expect?” Sara Jane opted for yogurt and joined her daughter at the table. “Where’s Becca?”

“She’s still asleep. After last night, I figured she could use the rest.”

“Last night?” Viktor looked up. “Tell me you aren’t screwing up the one female relationship you have that we all approve of?”

“No, I’m not screwing it up.” Dimitri took a swig of his orange juice. “I’m talking about Charlene and her bullsh…her BS.”

“What’s BS?” Delia stopped eating her waffles and stared at them curiously.

“Nothing that you need to worry about, poppet.” Sara Jane shot both men a warning glare. “Finish your waffles.”

“What has your stalker done now?” Viktor poured more syrup on Delia’s waffles, earning him the devotion of one very cute six-year-old. Sugar won every time.

“She’s not only spewing her hateful verbiage at me, now she’s targeted Becca.”

“I saw all that on her page last night.” Sara kept glancing at Viktor, trying not to get caught staring. “I sent her a message, but I’m guessing she didn’t even look at it.”

“It upset her to the point she had a major panic attack.” Dimitri put his fork down. “I need to tell you both about that. Viktor, you know how Lily has a thing about being touched?”

“Yes.” They both remembered when Viktor tried to hug her and she all but passed out.

“Becca has an extreme fear of crowds. It sets off panic attacks, really bad ones.”

“Then what is she doing here?” Sara Jane asked.

“Because I asked her, not realizing how bad they could get, and she came because I needed her.”

“Dimitri.” The censure in Sara Jane’s voice made him duck his head, a little ashamed. “You shouldn’t have put her in that situation. Delia is the same way around strangers.”

“She’s doing okay with us.” Viktor winked at the little girl.

“That’s because I prepared her to meet you. I’ve been talking about you since yesterday to calm her nerves, and she’s heard me and Dimitri talking on the phone and Skype. He’s not as much of a stranger as you are.”

“I’m not taking her to the signing, anyway, not after her meltdown last night. I’m not putting her through that. As soon as the event is over, we’re packing up and heading to LA.”

“She’s going to LA with you?” That got Viktor’s attention.

“Yes. I booked train tickets this morning. You wouldn’t happen to need a vehicle, would you? I don’t know what to do with my Jeep.”

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