Healing Hearts (New Hope Falls #6) - Kimberly Rae Jordan Page 0,81

the bed and greeted her, introducing himself with a warm smile. Before turning his attention to Bryson, he skimmed over the chart where the nurse had entered her observations earlier.

“Does Bryson have a pediatrician?” he asked.

This was asked without him even looking at the form she had just filled out. “No. Not yet. We just moved back here a couple of months ago.”

The doctor nodded, then asked, “Has he had all his vaccinations?”

That was the one question she had hoped he wouldn’t ask, but she had to be honest. “No. He hasn’t had any.”

Because she was watching the doctor, she saw his features tighten for a moment. “And the reason for that?”

Again, there was no judgment in his voice, but Sophia knew he wasn’t happy with her response. “Bryson and I were in a situation where medical decisions were made for us.” The doctor’s brows rose slightly at that. “I had no say in his medical care. If I had, I would have made informed decisions when it came to his vaccinations.”

“Are you now able to make those decisions for both of you?” the doctor asked, his voice soft.

“Yes. He’s all mine now, and we’re back here with my family.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

He asked her some more questions about what had happened with Bryson over the past week, then he turned to the nurse who was in the room with them and gave her some instructions. As the nurse got to work carrying out the doctor’s orders, he swung back to Sophia and began to explain what he thought was going on with Bryson.

He hadn’t gotten far with that when Ryker walked back into the room. The doctor glanced over at him then did a double-take, a smile spreading over his face.

“Well, Ryker Bennett, as I live and breathe.” He held out his hand, which Ryker took, a look of discomfort clearly visible on his face. “How’re you doing?”

“I’m good. You?”

“I’m doing well. Very well.” The doctor looked at Sophia then back to Ryker. “Is this your girlfriend?”

Ryker shook his head without hesitation. “Sophia and Bryson are friends of mine.”

“Oh well.” The doctor cleared his throat. “I was just talking with Sophia about what I believe is going on with Bryson.” He looked down at the chart he held. “It says you suggested a diagnosis when you brought him into the ER.”

“Yes. Based on what I saw and what Sophia told me, I thought it was a possibility.”

“I would have to say that I agree with you,” the doctor said with a nod. “But as you know, we’ll have to do a test to confirm our suspicion.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Sophia couldn’t keep from asking, fear spiraling through her.

Both men turned to face her, and Ryker moved to her side, crouching down beside her chair. “We think that it’s likely that Bryson has bacterial meningitis.”

“Is that…is that serious?”

“It can be, yes,” Ryker said, taking her hand in his. Ryker’s words should have made her fear worse, but there was something calming about his presence. “But if it’s caught early enough and treated promptly, patients can make a full recovery.”

“Did we catch it in time?” Sophia asked, clutching hard at Ryker’s hand. “Did I not see things soon enough?”

“You did fine,” Ryker said, smoothing his other hand over hers. “The test they need to do is a lumbar puncture.”

Even though Sophia didn’t know what that meant exactly, it sounded worse than just a simple blood test. “What will they do to him?”

As she listened to Ryker explain the procedure, a heavy sense of dread settled over her. She pressed her free hand to her stomach as nausea rose up inside her.

“Will it hurt him, Ryker?” she whispered, feeling a bit dizzy at the thought.

“They’ll give him an injection to numb the area before they do the procedure.” Ryker seemed to be well-informed about it, so his assurance that it wouldn’t hurt Bryson settled her a bit.

“Can I stay with him?” she asked, unwilling to let Bryson out of her sight unless it was absolutely necessary.

Ryker glanced to where the doctor stood watching them, then looked back at her. “Yes. You can be with him while they do it.” He paused then said, “Do you have any questions about this?”

The only questions that circled around in her mind were one that she couldn’t bring herself to voice yet. Did I do something that caused this? Did I make another bad decision somewhere that has resulted in this?

As Ryker got to

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