Healing Hearts (New Hope Falls #6) - Kimberly Rae Jordan Page 0,24

she didn’t need a man…didn’t want a man in her life. It didn’t matter that he was amazing with Bryson. Plus, guys hadn’t wanted to be with her before her life had become all messed up, so why would anyone want to be with her now?

Over the next few hours, she made supper and then they ate. After they’d cleaned up, she got Bryson ready to take his bath. Rather than play with his toys, however, he wanted her to get on with the job of washing his hair. She knew he wanted to be sure that he was out of the tub by the time Ryker returned.

Once he was in his pajamas, she took him back to the living room so that she could comb through his damp curls. He was surprisingly patient with her, not even getting upset when the comb caught on a knot. She’d toyed with the idea of cutting his hair short, but he’d been forced to live with a shorn head for most of his life, and she loved his curls.

“He’s back, Momma,” Bryson said, pointing to where Ryker’s truck had parked at the curb.

“I see that.”

He waved through the window, giving a squeak of excitement when Ryker lifted a hand in response. “Can I go say hi to him?”

Sophia stared down at Bryson. “What?”

“I want to say hi.”

“You want to go outside and say hi to him?” Sophia asked. “What about the bugs?”

She wasn’t sure why she wasn’t just jumping at the chance for Bryson to go outside without the reason being a mad dash to the car. But why was Bryson willing to do these things for Ryker, but not for her?

“I…I won’t stay out there long,” Bryson said.

“Okay. But let’s wait until he comes back around.”

When Ryker pushed the lawn mower into the front yard, Bryson darted for the door, pushing it open so he could call out, “Hi, Ryker!”

Sophia followed him, putting her hand on the door to hold it open so Bryson didn’t have to as he took just one step out of the house. Ryker greeted him but didn’t come up onto the porch.

Bryson danced from one foot to the other while flapping his hands around. Sophia figured it was his “keep the bugs away” dance, since it wasn’t something he usually did.

“I’m gonna watch you through the window,” he told Ryker before retreating back into the house.

Ryker watched him go then looked at Sophia. “Guess he reached his outside tolerance?”

She nodded. “He got stung by a wasp awhile back, and he’s been scared to spend any time outside ever since. I’m not sure how to help him get past that.”

“That is a tough one,” Ryker said. “When you’re little, one bad experience can definitely spoil things for the future.”

“Yeah.” Too bad Bryson had had a whole slew of bad experiences in his short life.

“Well, I’d better get to it while there’s still daylight,” Ryker said, gesturing to the mower.

As she walked back inside, she heard the mower fire up. Bryson had reclaimed the chair he’d sat in earlier to watch for Ryker, staring out the window. While he was otherwise occupied, she got the laundry from the dryer and settled on the couch to fold it.

She found herself glancing out the window periodically to watch Ryker’s progress. The evening was heading toward twilight, and she figured it wouldn’t be safe for him to mow much longer.

When the mower switched off, Sophia got up and went to the door. She’d been contemplating how to pay Ryker for his work. Something told her that he’d decline money even if she could afford to offer it. But he might be interested in some food, and they had leftovers from supper.

“I think I’m done for tonight,” Ryker said when she stepped out on the porch. “I’ll do some more tomorrow.”

“Have you had supper?” she asked.

“Uh…not yet. Why?”

“We had leftovers from supper if you’d like some.”

“Sure. Just let me put this away.”

She hadn’t been sure if she should just offer him some to take home, but by the sounds of it, he was prepared to come inside and eat. Bryson would be thrilled at that.

“Come on in when you’re ready.” At his nod, Sophia headed back inside and went straight to the fridge, pulling out the containers that held the stir-fry and rice she’d made earlier.

She heard Bryson’s enthusiastic greeting when the front door opened. “Are you staying here tonight, Ryker?”

Sophia was glad she wasn’t in the living room when her son

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