Healing Hearts (New Hope Falls #6) - Kimberly Rae Jordan Page 0,16

the boy’s hands were clenched beneath his chin as he whispered, “Yes.” Then he glanced at his mom and spoke more loudly, “Yes.”

Had he been afraid that Ryker would get upset by his tentative response?

“Do you read her stories?”

The little boy’s head bobbed hesitantly.

“I bet she enjoys that.” Another bob of his head. “Does she tell you stories?”

Bryson’s eyes widened, then his brows drew together. Once again, his gaze went to his mom, but this time, he seemed to be giving her a somewhat incredulous look as if to say, is this man for real? When he looked back at Ryker, the fear had eased a little bit.

“She can’t talk,” he whispered, as if letting Ryker in on a secret.

“Really?” Ryker looked down at Vivianne then back at Bryson. “So how do you know when she’s hungry?”

“She cries,” Bryson said, his words a bit louder.

“How about when her diaper needs changing?”

“She cries.”

“And when she’s tired?”

“She cries.”

“Wow… Does she cry a lot?”

Bryson shrugged. “Sometimes. But usually not for very long.”

“I bet your mom knows how to tell what Vivianne needs, huh?”

“Yep. Momma always knows how to help her stop crying.”

“That’s great,” Ryker said. “I’ll tell you a secret.”

Bryson’s eyes went large for a minute. “What secret?”

“Vivianne told me that there’s this little boy at the place she goes to every day who she really likes.”

A ghost of a smile crossed his thin face. “Really?”

Ryker nodded. “She thinks the stories that this little boy tells her are great, and she loves to listen to them.”

“Momma!” Bryson exclaimed as he turned to Sophia. “Vivi likes my stories!”

Sophia reached out and carded her fingers through her son’s curls. “I’m not surprised to hear that, baby. I like your stories too.”

“Well, now that’s not very fair,” Ryker said. “Your momma and Vivi have both heard your stories, but I haven’t.”

“You want me to read you a story?” Bryson asked, his surprise clear in his voice.

“I would. Plus, I think Vivianne would love to hear another story.”

“What story should I read?”

“Why don’t you pick your favorite one?” Ryker suggested.

“Okay.” With a slightly bigger smile, Bryson turned around and headed for the pile of books near the fireplace.

Ryker tried to commit the sight of that smile to memory, hoping it would push out the more fearful looks his brain had latched on to previously.

Time would only tell if his plan was successful.


Sophia hadn’t been sure what to expect when Ryker had agreed to what she’d asked. However, something like this hadn’t even crossed her mind. The way the man interacted with Bryson made it seem like he didn’t just tolerate children, he actually enjoyed being around them.

Did he have kids of his own? There was no way this man hadn’t been around children on a regular basis. Not with the way he was relating to Bryson.

Not only had he managed to chase away most of the fear in Bryson, he had gotten him to warm up a little bit as well. And he’d done it in the most amazing way possible.

“What book is this?” Ryker asked when Bryson returned to the couch.

Sophia had known what book it would be even before he’d gone to his pile of books. It was the one he had her read to him each evening. The last one she’d read to him once he was in bed.

“Love You Forever.” Bryson showed Ryker the front of the book. “It’s my favorite.”

“Then I can’t wait to hear it.”

The thing was, Bryson couldn’t read, though they were working on it since he desperately loved books. They hadn’t had access to books at the compound, so he was behind where he should be with recognizing letters and even small words. She’d done her best to teach him colors from their environment when she had her time with him each week, but she hadn’t had any paper or crayons to help him learn to read or write.

Sophia went to sit beside Bryson, just in case he needed help with a word. Bryson carefully turned to the first page and began to recite the words he knew by heart. Slowly they made their way through the book, and not once did he need her help.

“You’re an amazing little reader, Bryson,” Ryker said when they reached the last page.

Bryson looked up at Sophia then back at Ryker, his shoulders hunching forward. “I didn’t really read it.”

“What?” Ryker’s perplexed gaze met Sophia’s.

She looped her arm around Bryson’s shoulders, disappointed that his fear was back. He had been punished frequently

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