Healing Hearts (New Hope Falls #6) - Kimberly Rae Jordan Page 0,114

been added to bulk up the nutritional content.

He wasn’t sure yet if Sophia was going to ask him to stay away again—it was fifty-fifty on that—but even if she did, he’d make sure that Bryson had the smoothies. It was an unexpected blessing that the little guy had been so obsessed with something that could be healthy for him.

“See you later, Doctor Bennett,” the nurse called over to him as she made her way to the door.

“Sure thing,” he replied as he got to his feet.

“Lots of people asked where you were during the days you weren’t here,” Sophia said as he joined her at the bed again.

“What did you tell them?” Ryker asked.

“That you had other things that required your attention.”

“That was true enough,” he said. “Do you want to grab a few minutes for yourself? Take a shower or go for a walk? I’m happy to entertain him for a bit.”

She glanced at Bryson. “I’m not sure he’ll let me go if he’s awake.”

“What do you say, buddy?” Ryker said as he turned to the little boy who lay back against his pillow watching them. “Want to read some books with me while your mom goes out for a few minutes?”

He could tell that Bryson wasn’t totally on board with the idea, so he didn’t push too hard, but he did push a little. “You can have more of your smoothie, and I’ll read your favorite stories to you.”

“Ryker will stay with you the whole time,” Sophia said. “And I’ll be back before too long.”

“And she’ll take her phone just in case we need her to come back sooner. She’s not leaving the hospital, just your room for a few minutes.”

It was like they were tag-teaming Bryson in an attempt to get him to agree. This was more than just getting Sophia a bit of a break. He knew from things Sophia had previously said that the boy was reluctant to let her out of his sight, especially when they weren’t in their own home. Ryker was hoping that Bryson liked him enough to accept him as a substitute for his momma. Albeit a poor one.

The furrow of Bryson’s brow had Ryker braced for a refusal.


He lifted his brows as he exchanged a look with Sophia. “Perfect! Now tell me, which stories are we going to read? I think I picked up your favorites when I was at your house.”

Picking up the books stacked on the table beside his bed, Ryker spread them on the bed in front of Bryson. He heard Sophia moving around behind him, and he lifted his gaze in time to give her an encouraging smile as she pulled open the door.

“So, which one are we going to start with?” Ryker asked, returning his attention to Bryson.

He was pleased to see Bryson choose one that he knew that the little boy had memorized. It gave him hope that he might be willing to read with him. There were always neurological concerns—among others—that followed a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis, so if the little guy could remember his stories, it would be very encouraging.

After stacking up the books he’d hadn’t chosen, Ryker angled himself to hold the book so that Bryson could see it. He read the first page slowly, waiting to see if Bryson would chime in. Hoping that he would.

It took two pages before Bryson began to recite the phrase that was repeated at the bottom of each page. Fighting the urge to fist pump the air, Ryker continued to read. He took it slow so that even with his whispered words, Bryson could keep up with him.

When they finished that book, Bryson chose another one and asked for his smoothie. Ryker could hardly contain his joy as he began to read through the next one. In between sips from the cup that seemed almost too big for his small hands, Bryson would either recite a few words with him or make a comment on the pictures.

It seemed like he hadn’t even noticed his mom was gone, but Ryker definitely wasn’t going to draw his attention to her absence. Though he was happy that Bryson seemed content with him while his mom was out of his sight, Ryker wasn’t convinced that that would extend to a nurse he didn’t know as well. Still, it was a step in the right direction.

They’d slowly read through four books by the time Sophia reappeared, her hair damp from the shower she’d apparently taken during her time away.

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