Healing Carson's Little - Izaia Winter Page 0,79

that could be undone quickly by the time I was ready to leave.

“Thank you, Daddy,” I said, brushing my hands down my chest to feel the softness of the fabric, really feeling the outfit he’d chosen.

“You’re welcome, little darling. Now, I believe I promised breakfast. How about… omelets?” he asked.

“Sound delicious,” I replied, knowing how good of a cook Daddy was.

“Would you like to color while I cook?” He pointed toward a bookshelf with a stack of girly coloring books and a nearby box of crayons.

“Yes!” It had been so long since I’d allowed myself to color, and now that Daddy was giving me the opportunity, I wanted nothing more.

I skipped over to the shelf and picked up the first book that caught my eye and then tucked the box of crayons under my arm.

“Ready.” I followed Daddy out of the playroom and down the hall. Entering the living room, I rounded the counter and placed my treasures on the surface as Daddy moved into the kitchen.

Suddenly remembering Sprinkles, I spun around and made my way back down the hallway toward Carson’s bedroom. “Be right back,” I called out over my shoulder. “I gotta get Sprinkles!”

Spying Sprinkles on the floor beside the bed where she had landed during our passionate lovemaking, I picked her up and cuddled her to my chest.

I lifted her up to my ear. “What was that? Shhh! You weren’t supposed to see that.” I blushed. “Stop that! You’re naughty.”

With a giggle, I tucked her under my arm and returned to the kitchen. Sitting her next to my coloring book, I scrambled up into my stool, biting my lip as my sensitive behind made contact with the hard seat.

Opening the coloring book, I selected a bright yellow crayon and began working on the picture of a flying unicorn. Coloring, I spread my legs and rocked gently against the seat as twinges of pleasure and pain streaked through me, reminding me of my Daddy’s care as he made me breakfast.

We settled into a routine after that day. Lee no longer picked me up on Saturdays for the game. Instead, Daddy would pick me up after work on Friday nights. We’d swing by my apartment to pick up Cinder who had already claimed the windowsill in Carson’s living room as her new favorite spot to lounge in the sun. Then we’d spend the rest of the weekend together until he delivered me back to work on Monday morning.

I had a new bedtime. Every night at nine o’clock, Carson would call, and we’d tell each other about our days. I’d told him of my love of chapter books, and every night he read a chapter to me as I fell asleep. We were halfway through Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and I hadn’t had trouble falling asleep since.

We had a couple of more rules between us. I wasn’t allowed to touch myself without his permission. If I ever felt the urge, I had to call him no matter the time of day, and Daddy would help me. Not going to lie, some of Daddy’s rules were awesome.

I had to go to the club at least once a week. That one was still a little hard for me. I knew Daddy wanted me to make friends, to make connections to the community, but I was still a little chicken. I insisted we go during the day when business was slow. Daddy knew what I was up to but didn’t push because I was trying, and he knew it. I still didn’t get why the people in our D&D group weren’t enough.

Red was a little too and had been excited to learn I was one as well. All he’d talked about was play dates and his other friend Ollie, but I wasn’t that ready yet. I’d discovered Lee was a puppy—an excitable one at that—and wouldn’t shut up about Carson and me, claiming imaginary points for setting us up.

“Knew it,” Chelsey had said with a wink while Ni couldn’t have cared less.

And then I’d met his parents.

Foster had slipped his head into the apartment one night, a sheepish, guilty look plastered all over his face. “Uh, Carson? You might be getting a phone call from mom?”

Carson narrowed his eyes on Foster. “What did you do?”

He looked away as he picked at the paint on the door. “Umm, I might have mentioned something to dad along the lines of you maybe possibly seeing someone, and he might have told mom.”


“Well,” he said, perking up

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