Healing Carson's Little - Izaia Winter Page 0,64

turned toward the exit, but Carson started pulling me in a different direction. Following him, my heart rose in my throat as I eyed the forbidden door.

He stopped with his hand resting on the doorknob. “The club is open,” he said, checking the time on his watch. “But very few people are here around this time.” He gave me a second to process. “Are you safewording?”

I was scared, but I trusted him more. “No.”

He opened the door.

Following him into the club, I was surprised to find myself in an empty hallway of doors. I noticed each one was different, hinting at what was inside. I looked back at the door we’d stepped through and saw it was the only one with a number pad.

“It’s the same code as the other door,” he said, alleviating my uneasiness. “This hallway contains our private rooms, and either direction connects back to the main room. We want to go this way.”

Taking me to the left, he stopped before a large, panel door painted to look like old, tarnished metal. Checking a sheet pinned to the wall, Carson took a pen out of his pocket and blocked out a section of time. Opening the door, he tugged me inside.

I gasped.

It was a mini roman bath.

The lights around the room were dim, highlighting the bright lights inside the pool. The walls were lined with old brick and columns surrounded the edges. Steam rose from the water, and a gentle trickling sound hinted at a fountain I couldn’t yet see. A staircase taking up one side of the pool created a gentle entrance into the water as well as a place to lounge.

Or make love, I thought as Carson pulled his shirt off over his head.

His chest was beautiful, sculpted with a hint of hair and a dark trail leading from his belly button down into his pants.

Mouth dry, I watched him remove his watch with simple efficiency as well as his shoes and socks. With the top button of his fly undone, Carson crossed the room to me.

I guess it’s my turn.

Lifting my arms as he tugged at my shirt, I stared up at him as he slowly undressed me. Kneeling down, he made quick work of my shoes and socks. My nipples beaded in the coldness of the room. Feeling helpless and submissive in a way I hadn’t felt in a long time, I watched as he unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down with my underwear. Kicking my feet out of my clothes, I stood before him naked.

He lifted a hand and placed it high on my chest by one shoulder. Slowly, so gods damned slowly, he trailed it down my body. Stopping next to my nipple, he flicked it with one finger, extracting a gasp from my lungs as my cock jerked in the air between us. Down my stomach, he traced my belly button with this thumb. He followed the line of my hip to my thigh. He skimmed down my leg to my ankle where he shackled his fingers around me.

“Beautiful, just beautiful,” he breathed.

“Thank you, Daddy,” I said, needing to respond to his bare compliment, feeling at once self-conscious and powerful.

His eyes flashed at the use of his title. “Oh, the things you do to me. Get in, little darling,” he said with a squeeze of his hand.

Stepping away from him with a laugh, I approached the pool. I dipped my toes into the water to test the temperature. It was warm but nowhere near that of a hot tub. And the water was so clear I could see each individual tile that made up the walls and bottom. Walking down the steps until I was knee-deep, I launched myself into the water.

“Ohh the water feels so silky,” I said, stopping in the middle of the pool. I played with the water between my hands, loving the soft texture.

“It’s a saltwater pool,” Carson said from behind me.

I licked my lips and tasted a faint hint of salt in the water.

I turned around to find him already in the pool. I was a little disappointed that I hadn’t gotten a good look at his goods. Locking eyes with him, I could see the intent in his gaze as he slowly approached me. With a giggle, I faced him and backed away with my hands outstretched. “Stay back.”

His smile turned wicked as he lowered himself into the water until only his face was exposed. I could see his hands reaching for me

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