The Healer's Hellion - Miranda Bridges Page 0,42

letting you come, but I couldn’t stand between you and your revenge unless I wanted to ruin any and all chances at receiving your affection. In that decision, I was only thinking of my needs, but no more.”

I bury my head against his chest, unable to do anything else. It seems to appease him. Barely. He all but stomps up the ramp of the shuttle and practically bites Erix’s head off when the poor soldier dares ask to hold me so that Braxton can have a break.

As soon as the vehicle’s engines rumble to life, I dive into the abyss of rest, hoping that when I wake, it will be to find Camille well and Braxton happy. Okay, maybe not happy, but less mad would be nice.

I may have to sleep for a year. Or two.

A repetitious beeping wakes me, instantly pissing me off. I was having the best dream even though I can’t remember what it was. All I know is the feelings of joy wither away with each sound clanging in my ears and bringing me back into reality.

I groan and with great difficulty open my eyes to find myself in Braxton’s clinic on the Charvix. Immediately I try to locate him, instantly relieved by the sight of him standing on the other side of the room. As per his usual, he’s dressed in his flight suit along with his physician’s coat. His silver hair is braided along the sides of his head, fully exposing his pointed ears. I’ve never seen him do that before, but I like the way the braids look on him.

As if he can sense me staring, he glances in my direction. Upon finding me awake, he strides across the room, immediately cupping my face. The worry in his eyes causes them to darken from blue to midnight in a blink.

“How do you feel?”


His brows furrow. “On what?”

“On whether Camille is alive.”

He jerks his chin to the right, and I follow the movement with my gaze, pulling away from his touch. Camille is there, asleep and lying in the bed next to me. I suck in a breath at seeing her relaxed in repose, her hair shiny and her face clean. Not only is she alive, but it seems as if the Dravians have tended to her physically as well.

“How is she?” I ask, looking her up and down for signs of distress. And also to reassure myself that she’s really here.

“She will recover.”

I purse my lips. “That is a very clinical thing to say, Braxton.”

“My apologies. She is resting comfortably and will be well in no time. Is that more to your satisfaction?”

“Yes,” I say, making a face at him. “When will she wake up?”

“At any time. The two of you have been unconscious for two solar rotations, or two days.”

The sharpness of his tone is hard to dismiss. Apparently I didn’t sleep long enough because he’s still upset with me. It’s not a conversation I want to have, especially since I know it will only lead to an argument. I don’t regret saving Camille, and I never will. She has a family who loves her and is waiting for her back on Earth. I don’t.

I stare up at Braxton, wondering if he would ever want a family of just the two of us. I know sometimes that couples are quite content to live their lives without children, but I have no idea what Braxton’s thoughts are on the matter.

Could I be enough for him? Or should I go back to Earth with Camille?

“We’re heading back to my home planet, right?” I ask, trying to redirect the conversation away from me overusing my powers and almost killing myself. Again.

“Yes.” The word comes out clipped, yet there’s so much emotion in that monosyllable.

“How much longer until we get there?”

Braxton takes a deep breath, and I can’t tell if he’s merely annoyed with my inquiries or if it’s something more. “We will arrive tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I nod, filing that information away. That means I only have one more night with Braxton if I don’t stay with him. Just the thought of never seeing him again makes me sick, and I hold my chest as a sharp pang shoots through it.

“Namori, are you all right?”

I paste a smile on my face. “I’m just tired.”

“I need to see to the other patients, but I will come and check on you soon.”

“Thank you.”

He looks at me, clearly hesitating to leave. I tilt my head and stare up at him, Copyright 2016 - 2024