A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,91

not most men,” Jonathon said with a grin.

“I’ve noticed that,” she admitted.

“Was that a compliment or an insult?” his tone was teasing.

“You mean you’re asking rather than assuming it’s a compliment?” she feigned surprise.

“Now that, I believe, was an insult,” his expression was slightly hurt.

“I was teasing, Jonathon; it was a compliment,” she sobered and reassured him.

“Thank you,” he responded and fell quiet.

Alexandria felt herself relaxing despite the events of the day and evening before. There was something about Jonathon’s presence that she found very reassuring.

“Thank you, Jonathon. I really don’t know what I’d do without you,” she said quietly.

Jonathon glanced at her but didn’t comment. When they arrived at the ranch, Jonathon climbed from the wagon and went around to help Alexandria down only to find her yawning. He smiled and plucked her from the seat. Alexandria let out a startled cry; then locked her arms around his neck in reflex to being airborne. He didn’t rush to set her down and release her.

“You really should warn a person before doing that,” she informed him once her feet were again on solid ground.

“Takes the fun out of it; go eat and get some rest,” he pointed her toward the house.

“Come eat with us,” she invited.

“Not tonight; good night, Alexandria.”

“Good night,” she replied as she entered the house.


Alexandria stepped from the house and paused to inhale deeply of the fresh morning air. It had rained the night before and the air was clean and new. Despite the issues and challenges before her, Alexandria felt pretty good this morning, light even. It was welcome after the heaviness she had initially felt after Moody’s visit to the ranch and his ultimatum. Alexandria closed her eyes and let the morning’s calm infuse her.

“Good morning,” Jonathon’s greeting pulled her from her reverie.

“Good morning,” she smiled.

“You’re in a good mood,” he noted.

“I am,” she nodded.

“Good,” Jonathon was grinning.

“I slept well and I just…feel good,” she shrugged in explanation.

“I’m glad. You want to help me saddle the horses?” he invited.

“Sure,” she agreed and fell into step beside him. “How did you sleep?”

“Reasonably well,” he sounded vaguely amused with her.

“It’s all going to be okay, I’m not sure how, but I know it will be.”

“I hope so, Alexandria,” Jonathon opened the barn door and allowed her to enter.

“Hello, Muffin,” Alexandria cooed and lifted a half grown kitten into her arms. “You are such sweetie; aren’t you?” Alexandria had the kitten flipped onto its back and was scratching it’s chin. She set the kitten back on its feet and looked up to find Jonathon grinning at her.

“What?” she demanded.

“Sometimes I can’t tell much difference between you and Lilly,” he teased as he yanked her hat down over her eyes.

“I hate it when you do that,” she growled.

Jonathon leaned down to peer under her hat, “Why do you think I do it?”

Alexandria’s gaze narrowed a moment before she plucked his hat off his head and spun away; she was headed for the door at a dead run.

“Alexandria!” Jonathon bellowed after her.

Alexandria was giggling as she made the door, only to slam into Chris.

“Stop her!” Jonathon ordered.

Alexandria squealed and darted around Chris before he could follow orders.

Alexandria rushed into the house and slammed the door behind her.

“Don’t let him in here!” Alexandria ordered her sister and housekeeper before locking herself into her office.

“What on earth?” Anna queried on the other side of the door.

“Open this door!” Jonathon pounded on the back door.

“Jonathon? What is going on?” Anna opened the door to allow him in. Jonathon stepped to the closed office door.

“Alexandria, open this door and give me my hat!” Jonathon ordered.

Alexandria laughed in response.

“I will get this door open,” he threatened.

Alexandria eased the window open and slipped onto the porch before tip toeing into the yard. Once there she made for the cook shack at a run.

“Can I hide in here?” she demanded of Cookie.

“Sure,” the man shrugged.

“Thanks,” Alexandria was huffing for her breath. “Need help peeling anything?” she offered.

“If you want,” the man shoved potatoes at her.

“Alexandria!” the call came from the yard.

“Shhh,” Alexandria held a finger to her mouth.

“He’s headin for the barn,” Cookie peered out the window.

Alexandria remained where she was for several minutes until Jonathon moved well beyond the ranch yard in his search for her and then returned to her office. She placed Jonathon’s hat and her own on the desk and waited for him to make his way back to the house. It was fun to claim the upper hand on Jonathon for a

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