A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,78

want to up the bid,” Tristan called.

“I said sold, the time to up the bid was before bidding closed,” the emcee barked.

Alexandria moved to the side of the stage and accepted Jonathon’s help in descending the stairs.

“People are going to talk,” she said in a low voice.

“They already are,” he informed her and led her through the crowd.

“What do you mean they’re already talking?” she asked as they moved away from the crowd and past her sister and her companion.

“Haven’t you heard the rumors?”

“No,” she shook her head.

Of course she hadn’t, Jonathon thought, he and everyone else had been shielding her from it.

“They are. You really do look nice in that dress,” he changed the subject.

“Thank you. Jonathon, why did you bid on my basket?” she asked him as he spread out the quilt. The better question might have been why so much, she mused.

“Because I wanted to spend the day with you.”

“Jonathon, we spend every day together.”

“Working; this is playing,” he smiled and helped her ease to the ground. Alexandria opened the basket and started preparing plates. It didn’t matter why Jonathon had bid on her basket, he had paid good money and she would be good company. It wouldn’t be hard; she sincerely enjoyed Jonathon’s company anyway. She was glad he had won her basket, she decided and smiled at him as she handed him his plate.

“Thank you,” he smiled back.

She settled Lilly beside her and watched the child take her first bite of chicken. “Is it good?” she asked her daughter as she pushed a strand of hair off her forehead and watched her nod earnestly.

They sat quietly eating for several minutes before Jonathon spoke.

“Anna looks to be enjoying herself,” he commented.

Alexandria looked over her shoulder to where her sister was laughing at something Frank had said and frowned. She knew her sister well enough to know it was a forced laugh.

“I hope she is,” Alexandria commented. She had the feeling that while she’d had no part in Jonathon winning her basket that she would be the one to catch it from Anna later.


Anna forced another laugh at another lame joke and prayed for the plays the children were giving to begin. She owed Frank her first dance and then the night was hers. Anna had tried every ploy she knew to catch Jonathon’s attention since he had passed with her sister but other than a smile and polite nod; she had failed completely. Every other man there had cast interested glances at her but the one man whose attention she wanted. She had thought to make him jealous with her obvious ‘enjoyment’ of Frank’s attention but it wasn’t working. There was a lull in conversation with Frank and she knew she should say something to fill it but could think of nothing.

“Those two look good together,” Frank commented and nodded to where her sister and Jonathon were seated.

Anna frowned. “They’re just friends. She avoids men, he avoids women, and I suspect eating together was their way avoiding others,” Anna quickly explained. It was what she had been telling herself since they passed.

“He’s looks pretty interested to me,” Frank shrugged as though it didn’t matter.

“With Alexandria? No, they’re just friends,” she said a little too sharply.

“You like him,” Frank said with sudden understanding. “Of course, why shouldn’t you? Every other girl in these parts does. Why do you girls do that? Jonathon’s a great guy best as I can tell but what is it about him that makes you girls so all fired interested?” Frank demanded.

“I’m sorry, Frank; I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“I’m fine but I want you to answer my question,” he responded.

“Well to state the obvious, he’s a very good looking man. At first he seemed kind of mysterious and to a lot of the girls I think he still is, but I got to know him and he’s… just the kind of guy you want around,” she finished rather lamely; she was unable to express her thoughts.

“Thank you for answering, I hope that we can still enjoy the evening as friends?”

“That would be nice,” she smiled and relaxed for the first time that day. The start of the skits was signaled and the scattered crowd reassembled at the stage to watch the children’s performance.


Alexandria laughed at the children’s antics and found that she was enjoying herself very much. One of her school chums wandered over and they greeted each other warmly.

“Rose, how are you?” Alexandria asked her friend.

“I’m great, this is little

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