A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,5

in his way.


Alexandria entered the church and her gaze quickly singled out her sister. It was a relief to be off the ranch and among friends again, even if it did mean pretending she was happily enjoying wedded bliss. Anna spotted her and moved her direction with a wide smile. Alexandria felt some of the tension leave her shoulders and a real smile grace her lips.

“I have missed you, where were you the last two Sundays?” Anna demanded.

“Elijah is shorthanded and having to pick up the slack and he doesn’t want me traveling alone,” she explained the only answer she had gotten to the same question. Elijah seemed to avoid the house much of the day and spent his evenings primarily wrapped up in his daughter.

“I’ll convince Daddy to send Michael for you.”

“Thanks, Anna, but it’s okay; we come as often as we can. How’ve you been?”

“Bored without you at home,” Anna’s pretty face settled into a pout. As the youngest of the family Anna had rarely been denied anything she wanted. Not because their parents were lax, more because when their parents said no, one of her older siblings usually gave into her anyway.

“I’ve missed you too,” Alexandria admitted. “Haven’t you been overrun with suitors?” she teased; she knew her sister was seldom without admirers.

Anna made a disgusted face. “Only the boys I knew in school. I want excitement and to be swept off my feet.”

“Have you been reading dime novels again?” Alexandria teased.

“So what if I have?” Anna demanded haughtily.

Alexandria laughed and shook her head at her sister.

She watched her sister’s eyes widen. “Who is that?”

“Who’s who?” Alexandria turned her gaze in the direction her sister was staring. The new hand from the ranch stood hesitantly in the doorway, his expression uncertain before he snatched his hat off his head as though just remembering it was there. He moved into the room and smoothed his thick hair out as he did. Alexandria noted that all of her unmarried friends seemed to be tracking his progress into the room.

“Elijah said his name is Jonathon, Jonathon Stewart, I think. He’s the new hand at the ranch.”

“The new hand at the ranch?” Anna’s eyes lit instantly.

Uh oh, Anna was notorious for her crushes, though she usually got over them quickly when the new object of her affection proved once again to be a mere man or as Anna often declared disdainfully, “A mere boy.”

“Yes, he just started a couple of weeks ago.”

“Maybe I should come visit now that you’ve had time to settle in,” Anna smiled widely.

“You’re welcome to visit any time but I only see him in passing and that rarely,” Alexandria warned.

“Well then we’ll just have to make sure our paths pass his, won’t we?” Anna’s smile was downright cheeky now.

“Yes, of course, how silly of me,” Alexandria returned. Anna had looped her arms through her sister’s and was guiding her, presumably to a seat.

“How’s married life?” Anna asked conversationally.

“Fine. Lilly is such a sweetie, her dad has been so busy she is clinging to him today like rain to a window pane,” Alexandria forced lightness into her tone. Anna still frowned at her as though there was something wrong with her statement.

“Alexandria, we need to be seated,” Elijah appeared at her elbow.

“Of course,” Alexandria nodded.

“Might I sit with you?” Anna requested.

“Certainly,” Alexandria was quick to agree.

“Oh! Excuse me!” Anna quickly apologized to the broad back she had just walked into. “I wasn’t watching where I was going Mr….?”

“No harm done Miss.” Jonathon turned and assured Anna.

Anna, her blue eyes wide, stared up at him expectantly. Alexandria realized that she was waiting for an introduction but she herself had never formally met the man.

“Oh, um, Jonathon this is Annabella Cannon, my sister-in-law and this is my wife Alexandria Morris. Alexandria, Annabella, Jonathon Stewart, my new hand at the ranch.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stewart,” Anna offered her hand and her most charming smile.

“My pleasure, Miss.” he took her hand politely, “and it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Ma’am,” he added to Alexandria with a quick nod.

Anna still had not released his hand and Alexandria realized he was now staring down at it in consternation.

“This is your first time here with our congregation is it not?” Anna finally released his hand.

“Yes, yes it is,” he quickly tucked his hand safely inside his pocket.

“So you don’t know anyone yet?” her look was one of concern.

“She’s right, Jonathon, why don’t you join us?” Elijah invited as he

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