A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,40

have no intention of marrying a man who doesn’t love me.”

“I didn’t either, Anna,” there were tears streaming down her face.

Anna sighed. Her sister was her best friend but lately they had been fighting like enemies. She didn’t like it. “I’m sorry, Lexie, I know Elijah hurt you, but I want to get to know Jonathon and seeing you half-dressed and smiling…”

“I was yanked off Spirit by a cow and dragged across the rocky ground, it shredded my shoulder, or felt as if it did, and Jonathon finally made me realize that it couldn’t wait. Had I known that you and Millie would be home when you were, I would have waited.”

“I’m sorry, Lexie.”

“Me too, Anna, don’t worry; I have no intentions of remarrying.”

“Why not?” Anna asked with a frown.

“Anna, I’m not the type…”

“Nonsense! You’re a wonderful mother and…”

“Anna, look at me, I’m not the type men go for. They like women short and…and… more…something that I’m not.”

“Lexie, that didn’t even begin to make sense” Anna laughed.

Alexandria laughed and shook her head, “It didn’t, did it?”

“No. Now go on, I’ll try and be more reasonable in the future.”

“Thanks, Anna, I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Alexandria hugged her sister. She emerged from the house and onto the porch to find Jonathon waiting. She hoped that he hadn’t overheard her conversation with her sister, though with the door open to catch the first warm hint of spring breezes and the proximity of their argument to the back staircase, how he could have missed it she didn’t know.

“I’m glad to know you don’t start affairs at your kitchen table,” Jonathon goaded her as soon as she stepped outside.

Catching him off guard, Alexandria spun and hit him on the shoulder. “You shouldn’t eavesdrop on other people’s conversations.”

“Ow!” Jonathon grabbed his shoulder. “Like I had to,” he quipped.

“You really are a rogue,” she accused as she grabbed Spirit’s reigns.

“Your sister’s right, that didn’t make sense, nor is it true,” Jonathon turned serious on her.

Alexandria stopped short and turned to him; she was not sure what to say to that.

“I really wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, Alexandria, but I couldn’t help overhearing. Don’t let Elijah’s issues turn you against marriage. Having been blessed with a wonderful marriage I can tell you it is a gift when it’s right.”

“Thank you for your concern, Jonathon, but it’s my decision to make and right now I just don’t believe I’ll ever wish to remarry,” she offered with a shrug. She knew marriage could be wonderful; she had only to look at her parents to know that; it didn’t guarantee she was meant for a happy ending.

“Just, don’t be closed off to the possibility.”

“I’ll think on it,” she placated.

“Do that,” he nodded; his tone said he understood she was avoiding the topic.

“We should get back to work,” Alexandria turned toward the corral. “You don’t think you’re going to try that again do you because if you do we’re in for an argument you won’t win,” he informed her.

Alexandria, her arms crossed, turned and faced him. Her eyes narrowed as she took a deliberate step closer to him.

“Really?” she asked and watched Jonathon pull back as though suddenly wary of her.

Alexandria smiled, “You can relax; I have no intentions of trying that again.”

“Good,” his voice was heavy with relief.

“Do I make you tired?” she asked and Jonathon laughed.

“You keep me on my toes, you definitely keep me on my toes,” he responded as they mounted and prepared to return the heifer to the herd.

They were half way to the range when Rusty, his face grim, rode up.

“We’ve got a hole in the north west corner of the fence and cattle missing,” Rusty informed them.

“Ever had this problem before?” Jonathon asked.

“No, well once a long time ago, but it was small compared to this.”

“Rustlers?” Alexandria’s eyes were wide.

Jonathon turned to her and nodded.

“Come on, I’ll show you the spot. We followed the tracks, but they led into the creek just past the property line and we lost them from there,” Rusty offered.

“Should we go for the sheriff?” Alexandria asked.

“We can,” Jonathon replied, “but chances are they wouldn’t turn up anything. I will send for them when we’re through, just for good measure.”

Just as Rusty had said, there was a neat hole, intentionally cut, and tracks marring the ground. They followed them across the property line and into the stream. They were nearing an area of small hills and rocky terrain when a shot buzzed past Alexandria’s ear and startled Spirit; he sent her

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