A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,33

a screaming Lilly.

Jonathon debated his next move a moment before following through with it. He stood, picked Lilly up, and set her on her feet.

“That’s enough!” he said firmly. Lilly quieted suddenly; her blue eyes were wide as she stared at Jonathon. “Sit down and eat your dinner,” he instructed. He turned to Alexandria to apologize.

“Sorry if I overstepped….”

“Not at all; thank you, Jonathon. She doesn’t do this often but when she does, nothing I try seems to work. Elijah always had to step in,” she said as they reclaimed their seats.

The rest of the meal passed without incident. As soon as Lilly was dismissed from the table, she walked over to Jonathon’s chair and stood, finger in mouth, watching him a moment before lifting both arms to him. Jonathon reached for her and lifted her into his lap.

“You’ve got me wrapped around your cute little finger sweetie but you can’t do your Mama that way, okay?” he asked as he pushed her hair off her forehead. Lilly nodded and laid her head on his shoulder.

“You’re good with children, Mr. Stewart,” Anna commented as she helped gather dishes off the table.

“Four nieces and nephews taught me a few things. Emily and I used to baby sit often.”

“So you like children then?”

“I’m a sucker for them,” he smiled. He set Lilly on her feet and stood. “Ladies, I thank you for dinner, it was excellent. I’ll let you ladies have your peace and quiet,” he said as he collected his hat from a peg on the wall. Alexandria followed him to the door.

“Thank you for your help with Lilly. I hope you don’t think that I let her run over me but you saw….”

Jonathon could see the fatigue lining her face.

“Alexandria, I don’t think anything except that you are a strong woman, who despite help is still over whelmed. I’m glad I could help. I’ll see you in the morning and we’ll start working with the lasso,” he said and then he was gone.

Alexandria stared at the closed door for a moment, sighed, and moved back to the kitchen. Overwhelmed was an understatement, she decided.

That night after everyone was in bed, Alexandria moved to sit on the back porch, and trained her gaze on the silver moon bathed Bitter Root Range. She felt drained and exhausted but was still restless and knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep.

She was contemplating the last several weeks of her life when a movement beyond the chicken coop caught her attention. She frowned and moved to stand at the railing; her eyes strained against the darkness. Alexandria hurried down the stairs and into the dim, moonlit yard. She was moving past the bunkhouse when a hand closed around her arm.

“What are you doing out here at this time of night?” Jonathon’s his voice was low, asked in her ear; Alexandria gasped.

“I saw a movement out by the chicken coop,” she explained in little more than a whisper.

“So it seemed like a good idea to go traipsing around unarmed in the dead of night?” he asked her.

Alexandria was thankful for the dark that hid the telling color in her cheeks.

“Come on, stay close to me; I’ll feel better if I know what you’re into,” he instructed.

Alexandria glowered at his back as she followed him. “What are you doing out here?” she kept her voice low.

“I heard something.” He had no more than answered when a commotion sounded. They saw a flash of movement and Jonathon pulled his gun and fired. A large lump of fur now lay just outside the chicken coop. They approached and Alexandria could see that it was a coyote, his lips still curled back to display his fangs. She shuddered; she could have been facing it unarmed right now.

“You okay?” he asked as he took in her pale face and wide eyes in the pale light of the moon.

“I’m fine, you’re right though, it was silly of me to come out unarmed,” she admitted.

“You’re agreeing with me?” his smile was more of a smirk. Alexandria, her brows drawn down into a V, frowned at him before she started laughing. “Don’t get used to it.”

“I won’t,” he assured her.

The bunk house door opened and several faces peered into the darkness. After Jonathon assured them all was fine they retreated into the bunk house again.

“Sorry I gave you cause to worry. I’ll go back in now” she said and turned for the house.

“Wait,” he called.

Alexandria turned to face him.

“I’ve hesitated to bring this up

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