A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,28

an interesting man, she decided as she entered the house. She spent dinner being grilled about Jonathon by her sister; then enlisted her sister’s help in taking her measurements.


The next morning Alexandria dressed in her hated widow’s weeds and prepared for a trip to town. She again emerged from the house to find things ready and waiting; the team already pulled up close to the porch.

“Good morning, Mrs. Morris,” Jonathon greeted as his gaze slid over her. She looked stark in her mourning clothes. Her face was pale and her green eyes too solemn for someone as young as she must be. She had been through more than her fair share, he reminded himself. Even if he didn’t relish the task ahead of him he had made a promise to Elijah and he would keep it. Besides, Alexandria was going to need all the help she could get though she didn’t know that yet.

“Good morning, Mr. Stewart,” she returned. He helped her into the buggy before setting their course for town.

Alexandria was quiet for a moment before she turned to look at her foreman thoughtfully.

“What was she like?”

“Emily?” Jonathon glanced at her.

Alexandria nodded and watched him smile.

“She was incredibly soft hearted, loved kids,” Jonathon fell quiet. “It broke her heart when our first two were stillborn.”

“She sounds nice.”

“She was. She was also the cutest little petite thing I’d ever seen.”

“Petite,” Alexandria muttered the word with a grimace.

“I’m sorry, touchy subject?” Jonathon glanced her way.

Alexandria hadn’t meant to speak aloud and could only nod for a moment. “Martha, that was Elijah’s first wife, was a petite woman. Both my sisters are petite; me I’m…well not.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your height, ma’am.”

“I’m sorry but do you have any idea what it’s like to be taller than most of the guys in your class?” she demanded.

A smile tugged at Jonathon’s mouth. “Yes, actually, I do.”

“I meant if you’re a girl,” she said in exasperation.

“But I’m not; I get your point. There’s nothing wrong with your height.”

“Well it doesn’t matter anyway, I have no intention of remarrying so men and their fickle preferences are no concern of mine,” Alexandria stated matter of factly.

“Obviously it does concern you or it wouldn’t be a sore spot,” he argued.

“It is not a sore spot, Mr. Stewart,” Alexandria corrected him.

“Do me a favor please? If we’re going to be working together every day do you think you could call me Jonathon?” he looked her direction to determine if she was offended.

“Okay, Jonathon, you can call me Alexandria.”

“How did you meet Elijah, Alexandria?” Jonathon changed the subject.

“I’ve always known Elijah.” Alexandria, not wanting to get into an explanation, shrugged.

It was quiet for a moment before Jonathon spoke again.

“The boys teased you in school right?” Jonathon glanced at her.

“What?” Alexandria frowned at him.

“About your height.”

“Relentlessly,” she admitted. “If not for my mama I might have spent the whole of my school years walking like a hunch back so as not to draw attention to my height.”

“They were either threatened or trying to flirt. Boys can be kind of stupid that way.”

“Trust me they weren’t. Later, it was my petite sisters and friends who got all the callers and attention; it didn’t take me long to figure out the men were put off by my height,” she added.

“I don’t think it was your height that intimidated them,” he countered.

“Intimidated them!” Alexandria’s look was both incredulous and somewhat demeaning as though she felt Jonathon was off his rocker.

“Alexandria, I don’t know you well and haven’t known you long, but as soon as you’re threatened you throw up this front of cool confidence. A confident woman can be very intimidating to a young man,” Jonathon told her.

“No,” Alexandria dismissed him with a shake of her head.

“That’s why your friend had come rushing back into town?”

“What friend; what are you talking about?”

“At the funeral.”

“Lane?” Alexandria was totally flabbergasted. “I have known Lane my entire life!”

“All the more reason you wouldn’t notice.”

“Notice what?”

“The way he watched you.”

“He felt sorry for me; I had just buried my husband.”

“If you say so. There’s also your neighbor who was fawning over you at the house.”

“What neighbor? When did this happen?”

Alexandria’s look was rather comical and Jonathon realized she was completely oblivious of her own beauty.

“I think he owns the land to the west of you.”

“Tristan?” Alexandria was shaking her head again. “Tristan can have his pick of nearly any woman in town, despite all their parent’s warning.”

“I take it he has a reputation?”

“Notorious,” Alexandria confirmed.

“I say you’re blind

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