A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,118

at her. “That’s a high compliment, Alexandria; thank you. Do you know what I love about you?” he asked her and watched her shake her head. “I love the way your whole face lights up when you smile, I love the way your eyes flash when you’re angry and that chin comes up. I love the way you square your shoulders when you feel the most vulnerable. I love the way you love a little girl that isn’t even your own like she is. I love that you’re close to your family and think of others first…I love you, just you for who you are,” he informed her rather passionately.

Alexandria had tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispered in torment.

“You haven’t and that you’re concerned for me demonstrates what I mean. You’re a great person, Alexandria.”

“Jonathon,” Alexandria stared at the buttons on Jonathon’s shirt a moment before forcing herself to meet his gaze, her cheeks were already stained pink. “I’m glad I’m having your baby,” she informed him.

Jonathon kissed her passionately before pulling her into his arms and holding her.

Alexandria closed her eyes and clung to Jonathon. She would be lost without him, she realized. Did she love him? Was this what love felt like between a man and a woman? Before she could contemplate it further shouts reached them. They turned to see Ted racing toward the house.

“Come on,” Jonathon said as he turned and led Alexandria into the house. It was then that he noticed the wind had died and frowned. Ted met them at the top of the stairs.

Alexandria felt disoriented; the house seemed dark for midday.

“Get Lilly and get in the cellar,” Ted ordered. “There’s a tornado coming this way!”

“Dear God,” Alexandria breathed as she dashed into Lilly’s room and scooped the sleeping child into her arms. Millie was already standing in the pantry, the trap door to the cellar standing open. When she spotted them coming she preceded them in and took Lilly. Alexandria climbed down the steps and turned to her husband expectantly.

“Stay here, Alexandria; for Lilly and the baby stay here. I’ll be back; I promise,” Jonathon said before closing the door.

“Jonathon!” Alexandria screamed and started toward the steps.

“Come on, Alexandria,” Millie said gently as she took her boss by the arm and led her to a barrel and sat her there. “He’ll be fine; Lilly needs you now,” Millie instructed as she placed Lilly in her arms. Alexandria hugged Lilly to her. Why had Jonathon left her like that?

She was angry with him; furious even.

What if something happened to him?

The noise outside the house intensified, it sounded as though a train was coming close to the house, a low moan and a high screeching its terrifying companions. Alexandria could hear things hitting the sides of the house above and moaning, creaking, and the sound of breaking glass. The sound intensified and then moved further away. Alexandria felt like a limp rag by the time Millie suggested they emerge from their shelter.

The door opened freely and the two women slowly climbed into the pantry; they both eyed the door to the kitchen warily. The day had been unnaturally warm and all the windows open, were there windows left? Was there a home outside that door?

“Well let’s see how bad it is,” Millie opened the door. The kitchen was a mess, chairs scooted out of place, dishes and pots scattered over the floor, but the room intact. A quick survey of the rest of the home turned up two missing windows and a mess in almost every room from where the wind had tossed things around. The house was over all intact; she returned down stairs to share the good news with Millie.

“Can you watch Lilly?” she requested after she had relayed her findings.

“You know I will,” Millie assured her. Alexandria hurried outside and noted the mess around her. She could see the path the tornado had taken several hundred feet from the house. Several trees had been twisted and snapped and tin and other debris, from where she wasn’t certain, clung to the tops of the remaining trees. She noted the barn was intact and stopped Rusty as he rushed past her.

“Have you seen Jonathon?” she asked him.

“He’s in the barn,” Rusty related before continuing on his way. Alexandria stood rooted to her spot. She had intended to go see him but found she suddenly didn’t want to, instead she turned back to the house and threw herself

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