A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,11

fixed herself a glass of water and moved to the table before seating herself to stare at the lamp. How had she gotten here? She watched the flame of the lamp sway first one way and then another before settling back into a straight line. She who had thought she saw things so clearly now wondered if she saw anything as it was at all.

Alexandria jumped when Elijah settled at the table across from her. Her spine immediately stiffened and her chin came up; her gaze was unflinching as it met his.

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” his dark blue eyes were dark with regret.

“Apology accepted. I’m sorry I didn’t see things more clearly. I knew how deeply you loved Martha; I should have known you weren’t ready to move on,” Alexandria admitted her own short sightedness.

“I’m so sorry, Alexandria.”

“What’s done is done,” Alexandria lifted one slender shoulder and let it fall.

“We were friends once, weren’t we?” Elijah’s gaze searched hers earnestly, as though he didn’t quite know the answer.

“We were,” she acknowledged.

“Could would be again you think? Could we learn to be friends and… and then see from there?” His gaze was hopeful as he watched her and Alexandria stared at him a moment. Forever stretched before them, ‘til death do us part’ according to the wedding vows.

“I would like that,” her voice was soft.

“Me too,” he offered her a smile.

Alexandria stood to place her glass in the galvanized sink and Elijah stood to escort her to her room. Now with the light to her back, Elijah could clearly see her feminine form outlined. She might be built differently from Martha but she was no less feminine, he realized in sudden unsettling clarity.

Elijah swallowed hard.

Jonathon’s words rang true at the moment. Physically knowing someone was one thing; really knowing them was another. He wouldn’t do that to Alexandria. To claim his rights as her husband knowing he didn’t love her and that their “friendship” was tenuous at best would feel as though he were using her. No, he would wait.

“Are you alright?” Alexandria’s brows were drawn as she searched his face.

Elijah’s gaze came up to her green eyes. He was struck by what a beautiful contrast her dark hair, pale skin, and unusual eyes made.

“I’m fine,” he cleared his throat and decided that a hasty retreat was his wisest course of action. “I’m fine; good night, Alexandria.” he turned and rushed from the room.

“Good night,” Alexandria called after him.


Alexandria rushed into the yard the next afternoon at the sight of her father and sister pulling into the yard in the family buggy. What was to have been another routine day had suddenly brightened. True enough that she and Elijah were getting along much better now, her days however were still rather routine.

“Hi,” she beamed as her sister stepped down from the carriage with their father’s help.

“Hello, Sweet Pea,” her father greeted her with a hug.

“Hey, Lexie,” Anna took a turn hugging her sister.

“What brings you here?” Alexandria asked as she led them into the hall of the house.

“I can’t stay; I have some business in town but Anna begged me to drop her off.”

“I’m so glad you did,” Alexandria enthused as she linked her arm with her sister’s. “Can I convince you to pause for cookies and coffee?” she tempted her father.

“Perhaps on the return. You two enjoy visiting,” Clay leaned over to kiss each of his daughters on their cheeks.

“We will; love you, Daddy,” Alexandria smiled at him.

“Love you too, sweetheart.”

Clay turned to leave and Alexandria led Anna into the kitchen where she had left Lilly drawing at the table. Millie had finished shaping the loaf of bread Alexandria had abandoned upon seeing her family.

“How are you doing, Anna?” Alexandria asked as she prepared two cups of tea.

“Bored without you, otherwise fine. What I really need is to find a husband so I can keep busy with a home of my own,” Anna predicted.

“So which of your suitors are you considering?” Alexandria asked as she set a plate of cookies and their tea on the table. A glass of milk for Lilly and Alexandria was ready to sit down herself.

“Join us, Millie,” Alexandria invited after the woman had placed the bread in the oven.

“I have some mending to do in my room; thanks though,” the woman excused herself.

“To answer your earlier question, I am not considering any of my current suitors,” Anna announced almost disdainfully.

“Oh,” Alexandria could only smile at her sister’s pickiness.

“I have my eyes on your new

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