A Headstrong Woman - By Michelle Maness Page 0,109

shared with her and watched her frown. Alexandria sighed, shrugged, and shook her head.

“I’m not going to think of the ‘what ifs’,” she told him.

Jonathon smiled, “Good.”

“Thank you, Jonathon. You’ve removed Mr. Moody from our lives. I can’t tell you what that means to me,” she said sincerely.

“I’m rather relieved as well,” he smiled. “Oh I ran into your dad in town; he wants to take us out to dinner tomorrow night,” he remembered.

“Good,” Alexandria smiled. “Mom and Anna can meet Ted.”

“Oh, speaking of Ted. I hope that you don’t mind, and I’m sure you won’t, he asked for a job. He’s always been infatuated with the idea of being a cowboy,” Jonathon sounded amused. “He’ll be moving into the bunkhouse tomorrow.”

“That’s fine,” she assured him as she quickly removed her dressing gown and climbed into bed. Jonathon undressed for bed and joined her. “Wouldn’t it be funny if Anna and Ted fell for each other?” Alexandria asked her husband.

Jonathon smiled, “I can all but guarantee you that Ted will fall for her.”


“Really,” Jonathon said before kissing his wife.


Anna lay in her bed trying to quiet her torturous thoughts of Alexandria and Jonathon together. She was trying so hard to let go. Earlier her dad had announced that they would be having dinner with them tomorrow night and that Jonathon’s brother had arrived. Well she knew one thing; she would not fall for this one and make a fool of herself. Once was enough thank you anyway. He was probably nothing like Jonathon anyway. Of course what did that matter? She had finally admitted to herself that Jonathon wasn’t right for her and that he was right for Alexandria. She had been bothered by the closeness between them from almost day one. Jonathon had admitted to caring for her sister but Anna could say without a doubt that he was head over heels in love with Alexandria. Had Anna been more objective earlier she would have noticed a lot sooner. She also was now able to admit to the pure male appreciation that often lit Jonathon’s eyes when they rested on Alexandria.

And Alexandria, Anna knew her sister, Alexandria was falling in love with Jonathon whether she realized it or not. Anna shook her head; she wondered what it would take to get Alexandria to realize that?

Would she ever find love herself, Anna mused? It didn’t seem likely at the moment but she knew that was mostly because her pride and her heart were smarting. Anna sighed and tried to find sleep.

Chapter Twenty-one

Anna fidgeted as she waited for her sister and former crush. She wanted to get this day over with and wanted to go home where she could relax and not have to pretend that she didn’t mind seeing Jonathon with Alexandria. She spotted Alexandria and Jonathon coming her way and studied the man beside them; her cheeks stained red with recognition. He was the man from the boardwalk, the one that had winked at her! Anna quickly moved to stand mostly behind her father and wished that she had found a graceful way to decline coming.

“Clay, you remember my brother Ted?” Jonathon inquired before introducing him to Shirley. Shirley smiled warmly at the young man and stepped aside to expose Anna.

“This is, Anna, our youngest daughter,” Shirley introduced them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss.” he said as he leaned over and kissed her hand. “I believe, Miss. Cannon, that while we didn’t speak our paths did cross day before yesterday,” Ted’s eyes were twinkling. “It was raining and you were in your buggy…”

“Yes, of course, it’s a pleasure to see you again, sir,” she said in a clipped tone before she moved to stand inside the hotel.

Shirley frowned at her daughter’s rudeness but made no comment.

“That was the lovely, if a little curious young woman, that I encountered in town,” Ted confided after Clay and Shirley had turned to lead the way in.

Alexandria laughed, “It’s no wonder she was staring at you. Anna lived with me from the time of Elijah’s death until the time that Jonathon and I married. In fact, they had likely just come from our place when you encountered her. There is no way she could have missed the similarities between you.”

“Careful, Ted, she’s had a rough time of it lately without your flirting,” Jonathon cautioned.

“Me a flirt?” Ted asked innocently; then laughed at himself.

They entered the restaurant and were soon seated.

“How are you two newlyweds fairing?” Clay inquired.

“We’re fine,” Alexandria’s cheeks were slightly

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