Headlines (Prime Time #3) - Ella Frank Page 0,4

offense, but the last thing I want is to go to the hospital and have a doctor stick me with a needle.”

“Yes, but if you need to—”

“I don’t. It’ll heal.”

“You’ll have a scar.”

“Which will make me even sexier, right?”

I placed two butterfly clip bandages across the cut. “Like you need that.”

“Ooh, are you saying you find me irresistible?”

I shut the first-aid kit and ran my fingers along his jaw line. “I’m saying that if they ever do a vote on the sexiest detective in the CPD, you’d be a shoo-in.”

Sean kissed my fingertips and lounged back in the recliner again, pulling me into his arms.

“I’m glad you think so. As for how this happened? The suspect socked me one in the face when I finally caught up with him tonight.”

I raised my head and studied his smiling face. “Something that you seem…happy about?”

“Well, not happy, no, but this was a couple of years in the making with how many times this guy has walked free. We got a real scumbag off the streets tonight, and that’s always a good feeling. Chasing him down, however, that was not a good fucking feeling. I’m out of shape. I’m lucky this was the worst I got.”

“Okay, I wasn’t worried before, but I’m starting to now.”

Sean laughed and pulled me back into his arms. “Nah, no need to worry. It just made me realize I need to up my exercise routine now that I’m back, and I’ve come up with a fantastic idea.”

“You have?”

“Yep. Wanna hear it?”

“I don’t know, do I?”

“Mhmm.” Sean stroked his fingers up and down my back. “You’re going to come running with me in the mornings, and my job is going to be to chase you.”

A laugh escaped me as I tipped my face up to his. But Sean’s eyes were leveled on me, dark and intense.

“You’re serious.”

“I am. I know you like to run—you use my treadmill every day—and, well, I need a partner.” Sean paused, his expression turning grave. “Things could’ve gotten ugly out there, and I—”

“Okay, I’m in.” Anything to make sure he didn’t get hurt on the job—and the grin that crept back across his lips told me he knew that. Dirty sneak. “Do you really need to chase me?”

“I mean, no. But it’ll be much more fun that way, don’t you think?” I rolled my eyes as he reached for one of my hands and entwined our fingers. “Enough about my day, though. How was yours?”

“Oh, you know. Same old, same old. I organized your sock drawer, went to the grocery store, made you dinner, and then counted down the hours until you returned to me.”

“I’d laugh at how pathetic that sounded if it wasn’t the truth.”

I sighed. “I know. It was great when you were here, but now…”

“Now you’re itching to get back to work.”

“Yes. I’m not a very good homebody.”

Sean’s lips quirked. “I don’t know about that. I think your body’s excellent in my home.”

I shoved at his chest and climbed off his lap. “You know what I mean.”

We moved to the table, and I placed his plate down in front of him and refilled his glass, then took the seat opposite him. I sprinkled some parmesan cheese on my pasta then held it out for him.

“Thanks for dinner.”


Grabbing up his fork, Sean got stuck into his meal, and about three bites in, he paused and looked my way. “I forgot to ask. Did you get a hold of Bailey?”

My hand paused midway to my mouth and I shook my head. This had become another new habit of ours—trying to get in touch with Bailey. Whether it be by text or phone, he’d been avoiding us for two weeks straight now. He’d even had Henri cancel last weekend’s dinner, and I was under no illusions that tomorrow night would share the same fate. At this rate, I wasn’t sure he’d ever come around.

Sean put his fork down and let out a sigh. “This is getting ridiculous. I knew he’d be angry, but really, completely ignoring us? I’m going to go see him tomorrow.”

“I don’t know, Sean. Maybe he just needs time.”

“How much fucking time?”

I opened my mouth to offer up a suggestion, but there was nothing I hadn’t said that Sean hadn’t already heard. “Maybe he’s just trying to process.”

“Yeah? Well, I’m done waiting. It’s making me antsy as shit. And what about Kieran? God knows what he’s told him, or if he has…”

I didn’t say anything to that, because for once in

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