Headlines (Prime Time #3) - Ella Frank Page 0,12

could make me feel so good with such a simple sentence. I felt like a damn teenager going on my first date ever.

I glanced over my shoulder to see how many eyes were on us, but there was no one in the room, the switchover for the night well underway.

“Looking for someone, anchorman?”

I turned back and stepped up to him, and Sean immediately uncrossed his legs. I moved in between them and placed my hands on his chest. “The only person I’m looking for is right in front of me.”

“Oh yeah?” Sean wrapped his arms around my waist under my suit jacket.

“Yes. You look very handsome tonight.”

“Well, I have a hot date.”

“Do you?”

“I do.”

I looped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him gently. “Then I should probably let you go so you can meet up with him, huh?”

“If you intend to keep grinding all over me, you should probably take me to your office and—”

“Sean? Hi!”

I looked over my shoulder to see Ryan weaving his way through the desks toward us and released my hold on Sean.

“Don’t run away just yet, anchorman.” Sean put a hand on my waist, keeping me in place. “Otherwise Ryan is going to think I’m very excited to see him.”

I whipped my head back to Sean, who mouthed, It’s your own fault, just as Ryan reached us.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you.” I turned to face Ryan, and he quickly added, “You know, up and about instead of…”

“Yeah, I get it,” Sean said as he reached around me to shake Ryan’s hand. “It’s good to see you too, man.”

Ryan beamed at him, and then turned his attention to me. “Great show tonight. Do you need me to get that suit to the cleaners?”

I was about to answer when Sean moved to his full height and stepped in close behind me. “Nope. He doesn’t have time. I’m stealing him for dinner.”

“Ahh.” Ryan nodded, then looked to me. “Lucky. Well, if that’s it?”

“That’s it,” I said as Sean squeezed my waist, and suddenly I couldn’t wait to get out of there.

“I’m going to head home. You two have a good night.”

“Thank you, we will. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ryan.”

“See you then. It really is great to see you, Sean.” He waved, grabbed his bag off the back of his chair, and headed out of the newsroom.

I turned to face Sean and ran a hand down his chest. “Let me grab my briefcase and I’ll be right out.”

“Don’t be too long or I’ll have to come in there and get you.”

“And that would be bad because…?”

Sean gave me a thorough once-over that made my cock throb. “Because we have dinner reservations and we’d miss them.”

The heat swirling in his eyes almost made me invite him inside, dinner be damned. But I took a step back. I wanted to go to dinner with Sean. I wanted to hold his hand in public and connect with him as the couple we now were.

“What’s that smile all about?”

I made myself step into my office before I gave in to temptation. “Take me to dinner and I just might tell you.”

TWO GLASSES OF Merlot in, and I was feeling nice and relaxed. I’d never been to Luigi’s before, but the small Italian restaurant that was tucked into a narrow side road downtown was an absolute delight.

The interior was like something out of a movie, low-lit with candles flickering on each table, and the romantic swells of violins in the air made the mind wander to intimate dinners and passionate affairs. Add in some authentic homemade pasta, marinara sauce, and wine flowing glass after glass, and I was in heaven.

Sean couldn’t have picked a more perfect place to bring me, and the fact that we were hidden away in the back corner gave us a sense of privacy to enjoy one another without being interrupted by people when they recognized me from their nightly newscast.

“How’s your food?”

I swallowed the bite I’d just taken and reached for my wine. “Delicious.”

Sean took a sip of his water and nodded. “I love Luigi’s. I used to come here all the time for their pizza when I was a rookie.”


“Yep. Worked out of the precinct a couple blocks down.”

“Did you like working patrol?”

“Yes and no.” Sean twirled his fork in his pasta. “It was good experience. Those first years are formative in a cop’s life. That’s where you learn what to watch for, how to handle yourself in stressful situations

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