Headhunter (With Me in Seattle Mafia #2) - Kristen Proby Page 0,7

to be.

But, worst of all, I’m afraid that when I tell Shane the whole truth, his feelings for me, whatever they may be, will change. He’ll lose that spark of interest in his eyes whenever he sees me. He’ll want nothing to do with me.

And that will hurt most of all. Because even though we don’t know each other all that well yet, he’s come to mean a lot to me.

“Looks like we’re landing,” Rafe says as the plane starts its descent. “We’ll be at Annika’s in about an hour or so.”

Chapter 3


“You really should go with him,” Annika insists for the third time, but Ivie just shakes her head stubbornly.

“I’m needed here,” she says. “I have a job and a life to see to. I can’t let them win.”

“Staying safe,” I insist through gritted teeth, “isn’t letting anyone win. It’s being smart.”

“I’m not trying to be difficult,” Ivie says with a long sigh. “Honestly, I’m not. But I almost lost this life, and I love it. I’ve worked hard for it. And, damn it, I want to get back to living it.”

“Nothing says that you won’t be back at it in just a few days,” Carmine points out. “In the meantime, hang out with Shane until all of this can get resolved.”

Ivie firms her lips, and I decide that I’d like to tie her up and carry her to my place myself.

But I don’t think she’d like that either.

“Fine. If you won’t go, I’ll stay.” I stand and shove my hand through my hair. “I’ll stay with you.”


“Did you really think that after what happened to you over the past twenty-four hours that I’d just walk away?” The outburst is unusual for me, but I can’t hold it in any longer. “Because the answer to that is fuck no. You come with me, or I stay with you. That’s the way it’s going to be. You choose.”

Her little chin comes up, and she meets my eyes. “Fine. I have a spare bedroom.”


“I think you’re both tired,” Nadia says and pats Ivie on the shoulder. “Go get some rest. Fight in the morning.”

“Good idea,” Annika agrees. “I’m so, so relieved that you’re home. And I’m sorry that I let you down.”

“Stop apologizing,” Ivie insists. “You didn’t know. I’m just glad you listened to the message and sent the cavalry in to save me.”

“Oh, this is Uncle Igor,” Annika says as her phone rings. “He’s been worried sick. Hello, Uncle. Yes, she’s here. She’s safe. The Martinellis are with her. I’ll let her know.”

“Your family is the best,” Ivie whispers.

“They love you,” Nadia says with a shrug. “Was Papa angry?”

“Livid,” Annika confirms. “And very concerned. We all have been. We’re just relieved that she’s safe.”

Tired hugs are exchanged. Once outside, I pull Rocco and Carmine aside.

“I would rather be at my place. I can protect her better there.”

“I know,” Carmine says. “We’re going to stick close for a few days, just in case.”

“I’ll be around, as well,” Rocco says and gestures to the two additional vehicles on the street. “I had these delivered. Figured we’d go our separate ways.”

“Appreciate it,” I reply with a nod. “I’ll let you know if anything comes up.”

“Same here,” Carmine says, and the three of us go to our separate vehicles to drive away.

“How did these cars get here?” Ivie asks after she buckles up.

“Rocco had them delivered.”

She frowns at me as I back out of the driveway. “How?”

“We have people, Ivie. In every major city of this country, and several around the world. All we have to do is make a phone call, and certain things happen.”

She chews her lip and then frowns when she realizes that I’m headed right for her house.

“How do you know where I live?”

“I dropped you off there one night, remember?”

“I’m surprised you remember.”

I have an excellent memory when it comes to things I want.

“Are you mad at me for not going with you?” she asks.

“Yes.” The answer is short and simple. “I’m frustrated because it would be easier to keep you safe at my home. I feel blind this way. But I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do, so we’ll try it your way.”

She blows out a raspberry through her lips and then lets out a gasp of surprise when I turn into her driveway.

“My door is open,” she says. “I know I didn’t leave it like that when I left for work yesterday.”

“Stay here. Lock the doors.”

I jump out of the

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